Meeting my roommate

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          Oh yeah the girl that walked me to the office her name is Jenna she's really sweet. Jenna offered to walk me to my dorm and I took the offer. "Hey Alyssa" she said "yeah" I replied " would you like to come with me tonight to get food?" She asked sweetly " no thank you I think I just wanna sleep the flight made me pretty tired" I said after that we ended up in front of my dorm I thanked her and told her goodbye before I went in.
           When ever I opened my dorm room I could tell my roommate has already been there half of the room was a mess. I was confused cause I saw boy t-shirts not girls I just assumed that my roommate has had a few guys accidentally leave their shirts. I ran to the side of that room that was clean with all my stuff and jumped on the bed I was just happy that I was at college cause I knew a lot was gonna change. I unpacked and put all my stuff up and made my side of the dorm feel more like me with my blankets pillow cases and pictures of me friends and family.
          I ended up falling asleep on my bed which was rely comfy but I started hearing noises. I turned around and opened my eyes and that is when I saw a a boy standing there by my bed trying to wake me up. When I saw him I freaked out and asked him what he was doing in my dorm and that is when I was shocked. My roommate is a boy I was confused cause I didn't know that that was allowed but apparently it was which really now sucked. He wasn't just my roommate he was super hot. He started laughing at me and I didn't know why until I looked in the mirror my hair looked like a monster and my makeup was al over my face.
        "Um what's your name" I asked "oh my name is Logan and what about you" he said back "my name is Alyssa nice to meet you Logan but did you really have to wake me up I'm tired" I said. After that I ended up falling asleep again I guess I had a hard hit of jet lag. Once again I was woken up by noise but this time it wasn't to purposely wake me. Logan had brought a few friends over and they were watching a football game and cheering with it.
      I got up and all the attention was on me I didn't know what to do so I just walked away I wet to my closet to get an outfit so I could get ready to go with Jenna. While I was picking clothes I heard someone say hi so I turned around "hi" I said back and with that I walked into the bathroom. On the other side of the door Logan was trying to get me out of the bathroom so he could introduce me to his friends but I just ignored him and kept getting ready.

              I ended up wearing this I fixed my makeup and curled my hair

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              I ended up wearing this I fixed my makeup and curled my hair. As soon as I walked out of the bathroom all the attention was on me once again but I didn't see Logan I only saw his friends that's when I felt two long arms grab be and spins me in circles. " Logan " I screamed and he laughed " we're gonna be great friends " he said and I laughed. "Sure" I replied " but can you please put me me down" I said and he put me back on my ow toe feet he ended up introducing me to his friends named Justin and Blake. I started walking out the door and then I heard " Alyssa where you going" Logan asked " I am going to go hang out with someone" I said back " who?" he asked " I am going to hang out with Jenna I said now please let me leave without you saying another word" " fine " he said and with that I left.
I'm trying to post chapters as often as I can :)
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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