Book of the Time War - 10 x Teen!Reader

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Hey guys, here is an imagine requested by sarahcobbler, thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy!

Request: Can you do a ten x teen reader?? Where the reader finds the book of the time war and, reads it and, the Doctor finds her crying and, he tries comforting her...then he decides to read a story to her??


See outfit above.

The smell of the burning candles was one of the reasons why you loved the Tardis' library so much. The smell of the vanilla reminded you of your mother's old living room in the house where you had grown up. It always took you back to when you would sit down with your brother and marathon Disney movies by the fire. The house had long been sold but smelling the same candles that used to burn in your favourite room felt like you were still living there.

The other reason you loved it so much were the books that lined every single wall in the room. You were a big reader and when the Doctor showed you the library you could feel your heart leap out of your chest. Not only were the walls covered in books but the shelves that stood in the middle of the room. There were books from every planet and every time period and in any language you could possibly think of. It was a bookworm's dream.

There were so many places to cuddle up with a book, loads of blankets to cover yourself with. The only things you had to supply were the biscuits and tea.

You scanned the hundreds of books that lined the shelf. These were all from Gallifrey, the home of the Doctor. That was when a shiny golden title glistened back at you.

The Book of the Time War. 

Seemed interesting enough, you could have heard the Doctor talk about it before. You pulled the heavy and old fashioned book off the shelf, it was covered in brown leather and engraved with golden letters. You tucked it under one arm and walked over to your favourite reading spot.

You sat down, opened the book up and began to read.


"(Y/N)!" The Doctor shouted, "We just landed outside the Dowrie Falls! Come on!" He ran into the room where he knew she would be. The Library. He passed the hundreds of bookshelves until he got to her favourite spot. Any time she wasn't in the control room, this was where she was, cuddled up with a different book every time.

When The Doctor first caught glimpse of his companion, she looked fine. But as he got closer he noticed that something wasn't right. He could hear the slight sound of someone crying getting closer with every step. And then he saw her slightly red nose, and the red rims around her eyes. "(Y/N)?" He asked.

When she looked up and saw him, he could see it clear as day. She was scared of him. Something he had never seen when she looked at him before.

He then caught a glimpse of the book that fell on to the floor as she stood up. A book he could never face himself to read.

The Book of the Time War.

He looked back up at (Y/N). She was standing against a book shelf now, as far as she could get from him. Her cheeks were wet from tears as she stared at him.

"(Y/N)..." He started. He had no idea how to finish that sentence.

"How could you?" She asked her voice strained. More tears were falling down her face now. "There were little children and you just..."

"I had no choice, my people had already lost and if I let the Daleks win, they would have gone on to destroy more worlds." He said, trying to explain the complicated mess that it had been. Even now he could still remember pressing that button, he could still feel exactly what he felt. After hundreds of years, it had still never faded.

(Y/N) looked at him, her hand pressed to her mouth. He could tell that she wasn't scared now, her eyes had softened into something like sympathy. She took one step towards him, then another until she was within arm's reach of him. Then she wrapped her arms around him, and pulled him down towards her.

She wasn't crying anymore, but she was still sad. It's wasn't an easy topic to get over, The Time War. It always lingered around. Just in the corner of your mind. Waiting to be remembered and grieved over. The Doctor knew that most of all.

Then The Doctor stepped away from her and walked over to the closest book shelf. He pulled another one down, checking to make sure it's topic wasn't as sad as the last, then took it over to her favourite reading corner. He looked up at her with the warmest of eyes, just lightly rimmed with tears and patted the spot next to him. She walked over, a slight smile on his face.

Then he began to read...

There you go my lovely friends, I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to comment, vote or share and tell me what you think. And remember, requests are always open!

Thank-you again to sarahcobbler for requesting! I'm not too sure if this is exactly what you wanted but I hope you liked it. Please tell me what you thought.

Until next time.

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