Usernames and amounts they posted before

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Snow White: ItsSnowing

Prince Charming: DavidCharming

Henry Mills: TheAuthorMills

Regina Mills: EvilKissesOutlaw

Robin Hood: OutlawKissesEvil

Zelena Mills: SomethingWicked

Rumple: LeDarkOne

Belle French: BookWormBelle

Emma Swan: EmmaTheSaviorSwan

Killian Jones: CaptKillianHookJones

Post Amount:

ItsSnowing: 7

DavidCharming: 7

TheAuthorMills: 5

EvilKissesOutlaw: 7

OutlawKissesEvil: 7

SomethingWicked: 4

LeDarkOne: 4

BookWormBelle: 3

EmmaTheSaviorSwan: 6

CaptKillianHookJones: 8

A/N: Now we will start off on the next number for each character. Also like last time other characters will make appearances.

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