Letter Seven

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Dear Lucy,

Juvia misses you very much. Even though Juvia called Lucy love rival, Lucy is still one of Juvia's best friends. Juvia is sorry. Juvia's sorry she can't find Lucy. Gray-sama thought Juvia might be able to sense Lucy if she was near water but it's like Lucy disappeared into thin air.

Gray-sama is saddened by Lucy's disappearance, and it hurts Juvia as well. Juvia is sorry she didn't keep her promise with Lucy as well. She can't control the rain, not with the sadness Juvia is feeling. Juvia just... Juvia just wishes she could do more for Lucy. Where did Lucy go? Why can't Juvia sense her? Though people are beginning to doubt, Juvia, Natsu, Erza and Gray-sama and others still believe Lucyis out there. Juvia believes that Lucy is still alive.

That's why Juvia won't rest until she finds Lucy. Because Lucy is family, and nakama, and Juvia's best friend.

Oh, Juvia remembers now. Natsu told Juvia to keep her letter happy for Lucy. So Juvia will make her letter happy for Lucy.

Juvia has made Lucy a scarf and a Plue doll! Juvia worked very hard on them, so she hopes Lucy likes them. She's excited to see Lucy's face when she receives Juvia's gift.

Gray-sama is knocking on Juvia's door now. He's been taking Juvia to the guild every day so Juvia can at least help Lucy in some way. Juvia loves Lucy and misses her a lot, so Lucy needs to come home to Natsu and Fairy Tail soon.

With hugs, Juvia.

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