Coming out

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Now here's where this gets tricky, coming out is like Russian roulette, you'll never know what the outcome would be and to keep yourself safe DO NOT COME OUT RIGHT AWAY. this could put you into serious danger so please take these precautions. 

 Authors Note: Keep in mind this list mainly contains the negative signs, its easy to  find the negative signs than the positive signs.

If you live with you parents, and are not sure on if they like the LGBTQ+ community, look at these signs.

Sign #1: If an LGBT situation comes up on TV (such as the news or an advertisement) Do they react by instantly changing channels? do they verbally curse or use offensive language? or do they watch or have a smile on their face? 

Sign #2: If they are with friends or family and you are around, do they talk in a negative way about the LGBTQ+ community or use offence words like [Trigger Warning!!] Faggot, tranny, "only two genders" ect, or do they talk about the LGBTQ+ community in a positive way and avoid using offensive words. 

(Page is still being developed.)

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