We're off...

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( btw this is me and RedStarLight123 in real life! Enjoy!)

When we arrived at shadows boat, we walked on and started to load supplies on to the boat, once we were done we had set off, it had taken a while to get there but after two days, we arrived.

The lands of the demon warlock... A desolate land with no hope.

I trembled and gulped as I had taken my first step down, shadow told me "You'll be ok, just follow my lead, and do as I say, you will be ok." She stated. I stayed silent as I walked along the rocky, hard pathway, with my head down, and my body shaking.

I gulped yet again at the darkness around me, reminding me that this
where my sister was for a long time, the sky was black, the clouds were grey, nothing was good here, how did my sister manage to live like this?!

I really don't know... the place was empty and dead and silent...

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I didn't know what else to write so I had to end it here, anyway, cya guys next chapter! Bai!!! 😸😸😸

My name is milly (under MAJOR editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum