He will pay for what he has done...

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I knew my sister was still here, shivering and terrified, I don't know what the demon warlock wanted with her, but all I knew was that he was up to no good.

Hate and fear ran through my veins as I walked on the pathway to what looked like a castle but a cage of torture at the same time, once we had stepped into the castle looking place there were millions of stairs to the top, " If I had to guess where your sister was, I'd say up all of those stairs in a cage." I thought that too, but since I was a sorcerer, I teleported all of us to the top of the stairs.

" Saves us walking up all of those stairs."

The warlock was already standing there with my sister in a hanging cage, I grabbed my sword and pointed it so him and said in a threatening tone "YOU... YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE..."

"Hahaha! This weak, small, stupid fleabag, thinks she can actually beat me?! HAHAHAHAHAHA! WHAT A SMALL MINDED, STUPID, EMOTIONAL LITTLE MISTAKE" Alex yelled at the demon warlock "She is not an idiot! she is a strong, beautiful, confident girl, she would beat you in a fight any day!"


Milly drew her sword and took a deep breath, she then yelled "BRING IT CREEP!"

* song playing in the background of the fight*

She ran towards him with her sword but he blocked with his own, he punched her in the face and she flew across the room from the force of it, she got back up and threw a poison dart at him, but it had no effect, after a long battle, the warlock grabbed milly's sister by the neck, and said "ENOUGH. Now for a deal, JOIN ME OR YOUR SISTER DIES!"

Milly said nothing.

"You have 10 seconds to make your decision!" He started counting up, then, while he wasn't expecting it, she stabbed him in the heart, he let go of her sister and she hid behind shadow, after she stabbed him, there was nothing left but the essence.


They left and got back on the boat and sailed back, milly's sister hugged her and said

" THANK YOU SO MUCH! IT WAS HORRIBLE IN THERE! He tortured me for years!!!!"

"Heh, of course I wouldn't leave you in there with him, he's a monster! isn't that right?"

"That is true!"

Hey guys! I was really tired when I wrote this so I couldn't be asked to write anymore, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in the next! Bai! 😸

My name is milly (under MAJOR editing)Where stories live. Discover now