The tree of Essence

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"EVERYONE HOLD ON!" Penny said as he transported the group into a portal that was made out of the reflecting pond just north of the castle. Just as the beast made a lunge for them, Umber threw himself at the beast! The last image Quentin saw was the beast picking Umber up by the throat and ripping him in half. The last words Umber yelled before being ripped apart were, "LOOK FOR THE TREE OF ESSENCE!"

In this time loop they had been to Fillory multiple times. Quentin, Julia, and Alice met Umber and Ember and eventually introduced them to rest of the group. Umber tells them the story of how their world was created. And once form had started to take shape, a tree began to grow. In fact this was the very first tree created in Fillory. From that tree, is where the true magic lies, he told them that he and Ember and the other gods of Fillory used the tree to give life to all that exist here by using the tree to restore their powers after being depleted once the kingdom was complete how they saw fit. They realized this when Ember grew hungry and plucked the fruit from the tree and bit into it. One taste and his body begin to glow a light gold. He could feel his powers being restored at an amazing rate. Umber then tells them of a god that became greedy with wanting more power, he loved the taste and the feeling and wanted more. And the name of that god.... was Raynar. He wanted to cause turmoil among them so he could steal the fruit for himself so, he being that sly cunning fox, began to ask some of the gods "Why should we all be the same, is it not true that we have all be granted our own unique gifts?" His words seemed to make sense to them at the time and the seed was pun intended. A great battle was fought that day between those that respected the law of equality and those that felt there unique powers were more precious than the others. Before the tree could be destroyed the gods of equality used most of their power to create a golden dragon to remove and protect the tree until those worthy can tame the beast. Resulting in those gods being killed or barely escaping.

Fast forward to magicians passing through the portal. The trip through was anything but pleasant. Penny still hasn't quite mastered the Trans dimensional planes yet, the aftereffect is quite nauseating but at least they were away from the beast. All Quentin could remember was that image of Umber.... What was it he yelled before...Find the tree of Essence? "What the hell is that?" asked Penny, Eliot stammered ma...maybe it's some kind of riddle? "NO!" Julia replied keeled over still dizzy and nauseous from the trip... "Quentin remember the drawing of Fillory underneath the table?" "Wha...what about it." Before Quentin could answer Jane replied "You guys actually did that". "We were like 8 or 9!" Quentin exclaimed bracing himself halfway on a partially built wall. Penny responded while flat on his back well...."What do you remember?" as he said this he turned on his stomach as he puked out clear liquid like a fountain. Upon him doing so it started a domino effect of the whole group. Once the dizziness and nausea subsided they could focus on how to find this tree. The conversation continued between Quentin and Jules about the drawing. "Okay Quentin focus on that picture" Jules says. "Do you see it?" "Yeah now what?" asked Quentin? "I need you to see the entire map we drew" Jules says. "Okay I see it! There is an opening at the Northern Barrier. It looks like it leads to a cave?" "I have a question...anyone know exactly where the heck we are now?" "It's Fillory just a different version" said Penny. "I can only travel to an alternate version of a place that we physically are on." "Soooo what's in this version of Fillory?" Asked Kady. "Well in our version Fillory was the land that time seemed to forget." replied Eliot as he flicked off pieces of dirt from his collar that had been dangling since he landed face first during their arrival. "Oh my god" Alice says as she shoots up from the ground. "Oh your god what... being that you technically are one" Eliot says in a sarcastic tone. The rest of the group looks at Alice with a duh like expression on their face. "I didn't mean it that way" Alice says as she fidgets around with her skirt "I mean look around you." The looks on their faces could have been placed in museum, it was one of shock, wonder, and excitement. This whole time this  Fillory , was full of vivid bright colors! The waterfalls were a majestic blue. The birds that were flying above them were the most magnificent colors of magenta's, purples, oranges, and greens. The land was full and rich of greenery as far as the eye could see. In the far distance they could see figures moving toward them in an alarming speed. "I'm not sure what to expect guys so be ready" Jules says as they all get into their battle magic stance. Alice prepares her hands in a v like shape and before she can finish her maneuver two familiar little voices call out to them" Quentin, Jules, Penny your back"! "What the... it couldn't be!" As their voices became closer they could feel the earth rumble beneath them. What they saw blew their minds. 

Two giant elegant Clydesdale horses appeared from the brush walking upright! The bottom of their legs looks as if they were dipped in gold, each step they took toward them exalted in glory their manes glistened in the sunlight making their hair almost a copper look. They looked like a sculpture come to life. As they approached two human figures appeared from behind them an adult Jane Chatwin and Martin Chatwin! "Your back we thought we would never see you again!" Martin said. The magicians stood there eyes and mouths wide open. Eliot who always had a witty comeback stood in a statuesque pose as did the others in amazement. Once the shock wore off Quentin unfroze as Jane hugged him "I missed you terribly so" she said as tears ran down her face. "Uhhh...what?" Penny yelled he could not even began to try and rationalize what he is seeing before him right now. Kayden, Alice, Jules, and Jane were greeted by Martin, while Penny and Eliot came to greet Jane. Jane knows that their memories of this encounter have been erased so she gives them a special elixir prepared by two pixies that resemble Eliot quite a bit. As they drink the elixir their memories come flashing in and out like a strobe light. The first to gain his memory is Eliot he suddenly remembers a midnight escapade with a pixie before they made plans to have their memories wiped in order for the beast not to find this dimension. Kady regains her memory and realizes her mother is here alive and well so she sets off to find her. Jules and Alice regain their memories and realize they have families here as well. Quentin regains his memory and realizes he and Jules are married and have four children! Alice is married to Martin and Penny is married to Jane. Tears of joy turn into overwhelming shock after they realize they had been gone for over a decade. After what seems like a quick reuniting of the families the two giant Clydesdales who they now learn are Ember and Umber inform them that their task is still at. "A celebration is due for the return of the high kings and queens of Fillory!" Umber says. Before the celebration, Quentin tells Umber that before they came through the portal, he sacrificed himself in order for them to make it back. He also tells that he said to find the tree of Essence. "I see" says Umber the tree of Essence is extremely enchanted. I... don't understand Quentin says "What do you mean extremely enchanted?" Umber laughs and says, "The tree of Essence is guarded by the dragon named Agathas." "A DRAGON! You mean like a fire breathing dragon?" "Umm... do you know of any other kind that I'm not aware of?" Umber says. "The tree of Essence is located somewhere which is here." Umber points to the map and tells Quentin of its location. Umber begins to tell Quentin how the can tame the beast when Jules walks in with their oldest son named James and oldest daughter named Quae. "We  have much to discuss Quentin, FOR NOW LET THE FEAST BEGIN!" Tame the beast Quentin wonders if they can use Agathas as an adversary and would Ember avenge his own death?

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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