Chapter 31|| Kissing exes

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(a/n: Plot motherfucking twist in this chapter)

Violetta's pov***

Today is the day of Magcon and everyone except me and the people i invited are going to the event. I was sitting on my bed scrolling through instagram. Freya and Sierra were the only ones in the room since Chloe went with Ashton to get food or something.

"V are you okay?" Freya asked me.

"Ya" i kept scrolling till i came across a selfie Hayes posted.

"It's just......all these memories are coming back" i said as i looked at Freya. She was laying on the same bed as me and Sierra was in the bathroom getting ready for the event.

"Of Hayes?" she asked.

"Ya. I saw him for the first time yesterday in a year and i kinda just wanted to go up to him and hug him" i said.

"Are you talking about Hayes?" Sierra said as she came out of the bathroom.


"V i hate to break it to you but Hayes screwed you over. I mean i'll always love the kid, he's like a little brother to me but i don't know about you two"

"i know he screwed me over Sierra but, i don't know. I actually loved Hayes. Luke i don't love, maybe i will in the future but as of now i don't"

"To be honest i can't stand Hayes but i think you were way happier with him" Freya said.

"I don't know. Luke is like the perfect guy. Any girl would love to have him. But even though Hayes was quite a douche to me while we were together, he's the perfect guy for me"

"So are you thinking about breaking up with Luke and getting back with Hayes?" Sierra asked.

"No i'm not going to break up with Luke. It was just a thought that crossed my mind"

"Well get that thought out of your mind. Anyway i have to go to the event so see you guys later" Sierra said before leaving. After like 10 seconds of Sierra being gone there was a knock at the door.

"Seriously? Sierra forgot her key again" i said as i stood up and went to the door.

"Really Sierra" i said expecting to see Sierra but instead i saw Hayes standing there.

"Oh. Hi Hayes" i said awkwardly.

"Ummm i'm going to go find........a vending machine" Freya said as she walked out of the room.

"Come in" i said. He came in and i closed the door behind him.

"I wanted to talk to you V" he says. I sit on the edge of my bed and he sits next to me.

"Whats up?"

"Are you really dating that guy?" he asks.

"Who Luke? Ya. We've been together for 8 months"

"Have you thought about us recently?" he asked.

"To be honest Hayes i have. I miss being able to call you mine, i miss kissing you, i" i admitted.

I don't know if i want Hayes again or not. A part of me wants him and the other part of me wants Luke.

"Then why don't we try again?" he asks as he leans in and places his lips on mine, and the craziest thing is, i kissed back.

Cameron's pov***

"Who are we waiting for?" i asked everyone since we were supposed to start the show like 15 minutes ago.

Backstabber // Luke Hemmings + magconWhere stories live. Discover now