The Playground

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"Hey," he yells, as he jumps off the last ring of the monkey bars, "Haven't seen you in forever."

"Ya, I just got back," she replied, her hands stuffed in my blue coat's pockets.

"How was Cali-fornia?" he inquired, using his hands as he mocked me.

"Good, missed this old place though, and the playground, I haven't been here in forever," she started, her hands sliding across the cool rail as she walked along the metal fence's perimeter, "Haven't been here since I left..." She blushed at her remark "Obviously..."

"I've been coming here more often, since ya know, she..." he stopped, and grasped the rail and steadied himself. He brought his other hand onto the top of the fence and leaned his head between his arms. She did the same, and scooted closer to him so that their elbows were touching.

"It's okay to miss her, it's okay to feel." she whispered, knowing all too well that he didn't like to express feelings to others, or himself.

"I hate being an only child."

"I hate being best friendless."

They looked at each other, with understanding and grief in their eyes, and stayed on the rail, content with the silence. 

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