School Bells

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Students rushing through the crowded halls.

 Talking and gossiping and yelling and laughing.

Lockers slam.

Students grab their lunches and exit out to the cafeteria.

The halls clear, and a few stragglers are left out.

Among them is a girl.

She's funny and smart and sassy.

On most days.

Today she is a trance.

Simply going through her life and checking things of her list.

But there is one thing she can not check off.

There is a small pink calendar in her locker.

Today's date is circled,

In bright blue highlighter.

There are smiley faces and hearts around it.

She takes a look around the halls,

Not seeing what she is looking for, 

She slams her locker,


She begins to walk away, 


She bites her lip,

As she does when she's nervous 

Or mad

Or upset

She doesn't know what she is.

And suddenly, on impulse, she turns

And screams

With joy

And starts in a run towards the individual across the hall.

She grasps him and hugs him so hard,

So hard he's reminded of his days of wrestling.

After 43 seconds of embrace

She pulls apart

And she smiles

And he smiles

And all is right in the world.

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