Our New Life

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Sorry if this part is shorter than usual, if there's typos please ignore them I looked over it but it's like 1am so I may have missed something. (I shouldn't post stuff at this time,) anyway hope you enjoy!

"Bucky it's 5. We're bad people." Steve whines laying down on the bed closing the computer which lays on the bed near our feet.
"So what?"
"So what!? It's 5pm and all we've done is watch anime and eat!" I sigh looking out the water streaked window.
"It's raining so it's fine we didn't do anything, we can run and do stuff tomorrow, just chill."
He rolls his eyes checking his violently vibrating phone.
"Who's that?"
"Sam." He says casually setting it down.
"What's up? Everything okay?"
He laughs to himself passing me the phone.
I unlock it to find.

'Steve you there?'

'Listen if you don't hear from me in the next twenty minutes I'm dead.'

'What did you do Sam?'

'Nothing much'

'Sam... what?'

'Nat is going to GET ME'


'I may have said I was a better fighter and now she wants to fight me...'

'r.i.p. see you at your funeral'

'Wow thanks man'

' ;) '

"Yeah he's dead." I laugh setting the phone down and opening the computer.
"Bucky... no."
Steve closes the laptop once again and gets off the bed.
"I'm making dinner. You're bathing."
"But..." I complain but he's already out the door. I run a hand through my oily hair and frown at the empty doorway.
He calls happily from the kitchen,
"And remember to shave... sandpaper face."

I stand in front of the full body mirror as the bath runs behind me. My hair is longer then when I went into cryo and my 'beard' is fuller, I would leave it like that too if it weren't for Steve's constant mockery. My arm, now rebuilt by Stark, is honestly much better than before, the moving plates no longer rip clothing and it doesn't weigh as much. I made him out the star back on with no apparent reason, it just felt like it was missing something when it was blank.
I pull my black shirt off then my pants as the smell from the kitchen wafts into the room.
"Whatcha making Stevie?" I ask walking into the room forgetting the bath and the fact I'm almost completely bare.
"Lasagna, you're naked." I laugh wrapping my arms around his waist hugging him.
"Not completely."
"You're very cuddly today Buck."
"You complaining?"
"Not at all."

Nearly two hours later we're at the kitchen table eating lasagna and considering whether or not to call and see if Sam is still breathing.
My hair drips onto my back and face making my shirt wet and skin tight.
We eventually drift away from the conversation forgetting about Sam.
-Sorry man-.
"You want to do out tomorrow?" Steve asks randomly.
"Like on a date?"
I ask slightly confused, he's definitely not the hopeless romantic type, I'm using dragging him out.
"Of sorts."
He responds smirking at me from across the table.
"Sure babe, whatever you want."
"Whatever I want? Like in general or tomorrow?" He asks testing his limits.
I ask why as I squeeze all the water out of my hair and down my back, shuddering I grunt at my stupidity.
"Just wondering. Curiosity, you know?"

The clock strikes 10 as Steve begins getting ready for bed. I grudgingly join him but make the point we're not going to sleep right away.
Steve sighs at me but I'm not sure he understands my hints.
He stands brushing his teeth as I lean on his shoulder from behind him.
"I'm hinting at you... make out with me Steve." I whisper in his ear as creepy as possible.
"Pfft." He laughs choking slightly.
"Bucky you weirdo that was disturbing."
"Meet you in bed." I whisper again which earns me an elbow in the stomach.
"You were asking for it."
I sigh dramatically and walk into the bedroom flopping down onto the bed digging my face into the pillow.
As Steve walks in I sit up kneeling on the mattress and pulling my t-shirt up to my chin.
"Am I bruised? I feel bruised... and abused." He shakes his head pushing me over onto the pillows
"Drama queen." He scoffs laying next to me and placing his lips on mine.
His hand on the back of my head he moves closer and closes his eyes.
Steve begins kissing down my neck stopping at my shirt. His pause soon has me taking it off which begins a chain of events that involve undressing each other and eventually we're laying -under the blanket- almost completely naked except for our boxers. He smiles at me placing his hand on my shaven face rubbing his thumb on my cheek.
"You're so smooth now." He laughs mockingly.
I move closer suddenly quite cold. "Why am I always so cold?" I ask myself out loud.
"I'll warm you." Steve tells me kissing at my mouth once again.

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