Chapter 1

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Tyler woke up and rubbed his eyes. He had a terrible Migraine, he's had a lot of Migraine attacks in the past few weeks. He took the pills on his nightstand and looked through his closet for decent clothes. His phone lit up to announce it was fully charged. "Goodmorning mum." Tyler mumbled, looking at his lockscreen which was a picture of his mum with a flower crown on her head. Tyler changed into a black sweater and ripped skinny jeans. He brushed his hair and looked at the screen floating a few centimetres in front of his chest. Still black. Why did he even bother looking at it every morning? He asked him that question every day right after he'd seen it was still black. His screen had always been black like it was broken or something. But it wasn't. People with broken screens didn't exist. Well, there's this kid in his school with a cracked screen, because they fell on it, but it still showed their emotions and thoughts.

Tyler walked downstairs quietly and poured himself cereal. He ate in silence and walked to school in silence. There was nobody to keep him company, why would anyone want to keep him company anyway? They wouldn't know his thoughts, so why would they? Well, he had his dad.. But he was still sleeping because he worked at home. Tyler still had a Migraine. His Migraine never left. It was like it belonged to his black screen. But he was used to it after all those years full of pain in his head. His medicine didn't work. He still took them.

Tyler walked into the parking lot and Brendon aproached him. "Hey Tyler, maybe i should start calling you blackie, as your screen's still black and stuff." Tyler rolled his eyes. "Maybe your screen should be on your forehead instead of your chest because there's more space up there." He pushed past Brendon. Brendon's comments didn't hurt him as much as they used to. But still, he felt a small sting in his heart at each comment. He got comments every day from various people but Brendon was the only person who gave them every day. Luckily, Tyler knew how to defend himself, both physically and mentally. The corners of his screen were a dark blue now but nobody seemed to notice anything besides the endless black in the middle. Because that wasn't usual. It was weird. Nobody in his school had a black screen. He was the only one, the weird one, the outcast.

Tyler was lost in thoughts like always and he bumped into someone, knocking them over. "Jesus christ." Tyler looked down at the fallen boy. There was a cartoon playing with a cute dog but the dog ran into a wall when Tyler had bumped into the boy. "You should've watched where you were going." Tyler muttered. The boy stood up and dusted off his clothes. "Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry." The boy smiled softly and some lyrics appeared on his screen. 'I want to say.. Hello.' Tyler raised an eyebrow. "I don't know that song, what's it called?" The boy looked at Tyler's screen. "It's a song i wrote myself.. It's called Trees." Tyler nodded. "What's on your screen, A Horror movie? It's all dark." Tyler chuckled. This boy must be new. He looked over the boy. His hair was dyed blue and he had a nose ring. "Did I say something wrong?" He asked, looking at Tyler. Tyler shook his head. "Take care." He patted the boy on his back before walking off to P.E.

Of course the new kid had to be in Tyler's P.E. class. Nobody looked at Tyler as he got dressed, in the corner of the room. Nobody sat near him. But the blue haired boy decided he knew Tyler long enough to sit next to him. Tyler glared at him. "Personal space. Ever heared of it?" The boy looked a bit sad as he took some distance and started changing. Tyler was the quickest of all of them. He put his shorts on and managed to change from his sweater into his tanktop and jacket without anyone even seeing a glance of his body. Tyler tied his shoelaces slowly. People started to leave, the blue haired boy next to Tyler seemed to struggle to put his shirt on. Tyler glanced over at him. He had a six pack. The boy huffed and gave up struggling. Tyler rolled his eyes and pulled at the boy's shirt, making it fall in place like it was supposed to. He smiled thankfully. "I'm Josh." He said. Tyler shook his head. "Look, 'Josh' I don't know what you want but You should stay away from me." Josh frowned and his screen filled with question marks. "I want to be your friend." Tyler laughed. "No you don't. Fuck off." Josh looked at Tyler. "What's your name?" Tyler shook his head. "None of your fucking business." Tyler got up and walked out of the dressing room. "is it Phil? You look like a Phil. No? A Patrick? Brendon?" Tyler groaned. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up." He hissed and started to run along with the others. Three laps. He was faster than the others because he was in a pretty good shape. Sadly, Josh was fast too. He started running next to Tyler. "Pete? Andy? Joe?" Tyler groaned and ran faster, trying to get rid of Josh. "Go away. Leave me alone." Tyler grunted. Josh easily caught up with him. "Zack?" Tyler snapped at that name. "FUCK OFF!" He turned to josh and wasn't watching where he was going. He tripped and put his hands in front of him before he hit the ground. Josh kneeled down next to Tyler. "Are you okay? Oh you're bleeding.." Tyler looked at his bleeding hands. "Leave me alone." He mumbled. "You need to see a nurse." Tyler sat up even though every muscle in his body told him not to. "I hate you." He said. "I fucking Hate you Josh!" Josh looked down. "I just want to help you." Tyler shook his head, his face in pain. "I don't need your help, I want you to fucking leave me alone!" Tyler yelled and pushed Josh away harshly, leaving bloody hand prints on his white shirt. Josh looked Sad. Really sad. He looked like he was about to cry and his screen filled with images of water. Oh really, he was going to cry? Tyler rolled his eyes. Their coach, whose name was Dean, had watched and walked up to them. Dean was a good coach and he was very nice to everyone. Except for Tyler. Other people in their P.E class caught up and looked at Tyler and Josh. "Tyler, i want you to Apologise." Coach Dean said. Tyler laughed softly, without any humour. "You want Me to apologise?" He asked, just checking if he had misheared. Coach Dean nodded. "Okay. Josh, I'm sorry...." Josh smiled softly. "I'm sorry your mom gave birth to you." Tyler clarified and got up. Josh looked down. "Tyler, Leave." Coach Dean told him. Tyler glared at Josh and ran back into the dressing room to change into his normal clothes. Stupid Josh. God, he hated Josh. He could smack his face against a wall and stab his eyes out. Tyler shook his head. He wouldn't do that. His thoughts had become a bit darker the last time. He thought about hurting people, even though he never would. He just fucking hated Josh.

Screen (Joshler) (second version)Where stories live. Discover now