Chapter 25

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I suppose I know how this will end, but if you have a suggestion for something in the story, just message me and I might use it and credit you!

Jenna had made sure everything was alright with both Tyler and Josh before they were allowed to leave. Josh had been told to keep a good eye on Tyler. They were currently in front of room 401. Brendon's sister was in there and most likely her mother and Tyler's dad. Tyler was nervous. Josh had reassured him everything would be alright and that his dad would forgive him, but Tyler was still scared. He hesitantly knocked on the door. A faint response came from inside. Tyler pushed the door open en stepped inside quietly. Mrs. Urie was sitting in chair next to the bed, his dad was sitting next to her. His dad got up, carefully approaching Tyler. "I-I'm sorry, dad." Tyler said, his voice soft and weak. His dad nodded and wrapped his arms around him. "It's alright, I'm sorry too. I've been thinking and I've realized that I haven't given you enough support lately." Tyler shook his head. "It's fine, It's my own fault." Josh looked at the two of them with a sweet smile. He wished his dad was as nice as Mr. Joseph. But his dad was a drunk. He'd gone back to the state he was in before he met Josh's mom, his first and only love. She'd helped him out of the gutter. She was everything his dad had. Josh understood why he did it, relapsed. He didn't have anything left. And Josh was only a reminder of his wife. Before Josh realized what he was doing, he was running away already. He didn't know where he was headed. But he had to get away from Tyler and his dad. He didn't want to be reminded of his own life. He wanted his mom back. And his happy dad. He wished his life hadn't been torn apart...

"This isn't fair, Ryan. I really liked you, you know. That was before I found out that you're a psychopath of course." Ryan laughed and put some pressure on the glass shard he was holding against Brendon's throat. "I'm not a psychopath, Brendon dear. I'm simply misunderstood. I thought you of all people would understand." Brendon chuckled harshly. "Misunderstood my ass. You killed people!" Ryan laugh and Brendon got genuinely scared. "They deserved death!" He yelled. He was walking backwards with Brendon still in his grip. "Did they really?" Brendon asked. "Does anyone ever really deserve death?" Ryan glared at him. "They deserved worse than death for what they'd done. Now shut up. You're a hostage. Hostages don't talk." Brendon tried to escape. But Ryan was holding him tight. The edge of the glass cut into Brendon's skin, leaving a red wound. "Look what you've done.. I never wanted to hurt you, Brendon." Brendon hissed pain. "Fuck you, Ryan." Ryan laughed and noticed they were almost at the front door. There were people in the hallway they were at, but nobody did anything. Blood was running down Brendon's throat. Brendon didn't say anything. He would only make things worse. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. But he knew he deserved it. He didn't call out for help. Didn't try to escape anymore. If this is what God wants, so will it be.

"Josh Dun.." A voice whispered. Josh looked around, startled. He was sitting on the hospital's roof. Not because he was going to jump off of it. But because he needed to be alone. There was a man standing next to him. He was wearing a black suit. "Who are you?" Josh asked, looking at the man. "Let's just say I'm someone who makes dreams come true. I also fix mistakes, wrong choices.." Josh frowned and nodded. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "You made a choice. You decided you wanted to befriend him. But what would've happened if you hadn't done that? What would've happened if you never met him? I bet your mom would still be alive." Josh looked down. "What are you trying to say, just get to the point already." The man chuckled and sat down next to him. "I'm offering you a deal. I can turn back the time for you. I can make sure Tyler and you never meet. And all I want in exchange is one tiny thing... But I'll come back for that in ten years." Josh stared down to the streets. He closed his eyes. He missed his mom. She was always there for him. And he'd never needed her as much before.

"Where did Josh go?" Tyler asked his dad. He didn't know either. Tyler went to the room they were at before, his dad leading the way. He forgot about Josh for a bit, his nerves overpowering his thoughts about Josh. "Tyler, this is Mrs.Urie." Tyler politely shook her hand and smiled at her. She looked over Tyler and smiled. She looks at his screen too. It just showed many questions all going through and flowing through each other. "It's nice to meet you, Dear. Your father has told me a lot about you." She said, smiling at him. Tyler just kept nodding politely. "I have a son from around your age, Brendon. I don't know where he is but I'm sure you guys would get along just fine." Tyler held back his real feelings and nodded. "I'd love to meet him." Mrs. Urie smiled sweetly. "I'll let him know when he's back." Tyler's dad sat down next to Brendon's mom and looked at Tyler. "How about you go find Josh?" Tyler nodded, said goodbye to Mrs. Urie, and ran off.

He looked for Josh everywhere he could. The cafeteria, his hospital room, all hallways. He stepped into the elevator. There was only one place he hadn't been yet. He pressed the top button and quietly stood in the elevator. He was going up, up, up. Nobody else was in the elevator. The door opened with a small ping once it had reached the top floor. Tyler walked to the door and opened it. "Josh?" He called out as he walked out, onto the roof. Josh was standing near the edge. "I'm sorry, Tyler." He whispered before the man who was standing next to him hovered over him, kissing him deeply. 

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