chapter 10

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Harry got up from his seat and turned in his test. He sighed sitting back down.

"Already, that’s the last of them. You can continue working on your projects for the remaining few minutes. You have all weekend to work on them and also Monday, but I know how your minds work, you aren’t going to do anything this weekend."

Niall half smiled as the kids around him laughed. He saw Harry get up and sit down at the empty seat beside him.

"How do you think you did?" Niall asked.

Harry rose his eyebrows, shrugging his shoulders, “Hopefully passing.”

Niall rolled his eyes, “You probably did fine.” They shared a smile before Niall bit his lip, “So what are you doing this weekend?”

Harry laughed, grinning, “You asking me on a date?”

Niall blushed, “I thought you could come over and we could work on the project, or watch some movies.” Niall shrugged, “My mom’s got the night shift so I thought maybe we could do something.”

Harry leaned closer to Niall, smiling, “Do I get to stay the night?”

"If you want." Niall smiled. Harry returned one, stealing a kiss real quick before their teacher could yell at them.


Harry flopped his bag down on Niall’s bed. He sat down across from Niall and pulled out his work. Niall eyed him up, “So we’re working first I take it.”

Harry laughed, “I just know if I get distracted we’re never going to get this done.”


"Okay so were on the advantages and disadvantages correct?"

"Yeah, I think that’s where we left off."

"What could be a disadvantage? Its America. Anywhere is better than England."

Niall giggled, “I actually like it here.”

Harry stared at him for awhile before grinning, “I almost forgot you’re Irish.” Niall blushed, trying not to smile, “Not sure how I could with your cute accent.”

Niall blushed some more, looking down at his papers. Harry pushed the books aside, some of them fall off the bed. He crawled closer to Niall, his hand resting on Niall’s chest and kneeling in front of him. He leaned forward, his lips hovering in front of Niall’s.

"Can I kiss you, Niall?" 

"You’re asking permission to kiss me?" Niall smirked, "Yes, you can."

Harry connected their lips, moving slowly and softly. He pulled back, smiling, before pushing Niall down so he was laying. Niall stared up at him, watching as Harry pulled his shirt off. 

Niall gulped, watching Harry climb up his body, leaning down to kiss him again. He kissed more roughly this time, his lips moving down Niall’s neck. Niall’s hands felt up Harry’s thighs as his breath grew heavier. Harry nibbled and sucked at Niall’s delicate skin, only pulling back when he heard Niall’s door open.

They both looked over to see Liam standing in the doorway.

"Shit." Liam breathed out, "Sorry, Louis and I were just about to leave and I wanted my snapback I left last week. I didn’t know you’d- sorry." Liam reached in and grabbed his snapback off Niall’s desk, slipping back out the door.

"Okay then." Harry giggled, looking back down at Niall who looked traumatized, "Well now that he’s gone…" 

He leaned down and kissed Niall softly, his fingers grabbing onto the hem of Niall’s shirt. Niall grabbed onto Harry’s wrists.

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