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December 24,2016 Paris

I was waiting,again. And I don't like to wait. I was already on my second glass of red wine to calm myself. I had to reserved a tabel few mounths ahed to get it on Christmas Eve in Le Train Bleu. I coulde used my magic to get a tabel more easy,but I wanted Tristan to know how much this date means to me. For last 150 years,he is always late. Arrrgg, he makes me so angry all the time,but I love him. If I was waiting for someone else,I woulde be gone after one minute. And probably cursed them for making me wait. They don't call me wicked for nothing. Tristan is my only weakness,and he sure is using it. Breaking me out of my inner monolog,I looked up at the waiter.

"Excuse me,mademoiselle. Would you like to order?",asked the waiter.

"Umm,my date is a bit late,but I'll order an appetizer. Umm,I'll have escargot.", I said . I didn't ate that on a long time,and I personally like the dish.

"Great choice,mademoiselle. ", Said the waiter and then walked away.

Soon my thoughts came back to Tristan. He was one hour late,and now I'm really angry. After so many years of dating he coulde have rememberd out 150 anniversary. He is always late,but this is a first time that he is missing our anniversary. Tristan is a warlock and is 175 years old. He is quite young for our kind. I'm over 300 years old myself,but lady never reveles her true age. I meet him on 17 November 1866 in Paris at opening of opera Mignon. I sensed his dark magic across the room and was really intrested in him. It was not commons to come across a dark warlock or a witch thouse days. He was so young,only 25. He didn't notice me at first,but I approched him after the show. I still remember the look on his face when he saw me and sensed my magic.


I walked through the crowd od peopel inside the theatre towards him. My black-bronze big crinoline dress slowing me a bit down. Finnaly I reached him,he was wearing a nice black tailored suite and a top hat covered his black raven hair. He was tall,around 6.2,a nice compliment to my 5.7.He was talking to a older man,but soon he felt my presence and turned towards me. His ice cold blue eyes stared at me in shock and wonder. That made me chuckle a bit. He immediately said his goodbyes to the older man and turned to me.

"Took you long enough to notice me, young one. What is you're name?",I asked.

"Forgive me please my lady. My name is Tristan Heffernan. Nice to make youre acquaintance.",as he said that,he took my left hand and kissed my knuckels lightly.

"I see...So you know who I am?",I chuckle a bit at my question.

"Of course,my lady. The one and only,Irena Kasun. The famous dark witch.",he smirked at me. That made me laugh a bit.

"So tell me little devil,am I that famous? And why a young boy like you, is playing with a dark arts?", I got straight to the point, enough of chitchat. Soon he lost that smirk of his face. I coulde see he was choosing his next words carefully.

"Well,my lady,it is hard to miss you're work and ways of doing things. And as for my playing,I like to have fun." And smirk is back on his face. So I smirked back at him.

"You are funny,little devil. I like you. Many of you're age woulde run,just by seeing my shadow. I see potential in you. Do you have a teacher, little devil?"I asked.

His eyes got brighter and gave me a real smile. I studied his face.He was really handsome, strong jaw, high cheekbones , strong black eyebrows made his ice cold blue eyes pop. He had a crooked nose,but to me, his imperfections made him more attractive.

"Thank you,my lady." He smiley. "I don't have a teacher,I'm more a self thought warlock. I travel the world and meet new people and gather new knowledge and some ancient artifacts." Said Tristan. I coulde see he was proud of himself.

"Well ,I'm a bit bored this years soo ,how woulde you like to be my first student? This is one in a life time offer. " I smirked at him,and saw a spark in his eyes. He gave me a big smile and said:

"How abouth I buy my new teacher a drink,for the new beginings and a lot of fun times to come?",he said.

I chuckel"What are we waiting for?"

End of flashback

I ate my appetizer and he still was a no show. He was now 2 hours late. I had enough. I got up and payed my check on my way out. Waiter gave me a sympathetic look and that pissed me more off. I called a taxi and took a ride back to apartman that I was renting . I unlocked the door and walked in,droping my bag,coat and high heels as I walked towards the bedroom. The room was beutiful. White walls were decoraded in many paintings,oriental rug coverd the floor,in the center of the room was a king size bed with white silk sheets. I walked into a walk in closet to my right and take of my little black dress and put on a my big oversized t-shirt that says Paris. Then I walked into kitchen and got myself a bucket of mango ice cream and walked back to the bedroom. I removed the curtains from the windows and looked at the perfect view of the Eiffel tower. It looked so beutiful whit all the lights on at night. I went to sit on the bed and enjoy my ice cream and the view. After few bites,I summoned my phone from my bag back on the hallway becouse I didn't fell like walking now. Immediately my phone was in my hands. I unlocked the screen and it was ten pm. No missed calls. I woulde call Tristan,but usually when he doesn't call he is somewhere without phone service,hunting for his precious artifacts. I had enough of him . After 150 fucking years,I had enough. I pressed call button on Tristans name,it went directly to voice mail

"Whatsssd uppppppp!!!!!!!I'm far,far away soo leave a messege!!!!! Byyyyeeeii!!!!!"Said Tristans high pitchy voice that he uses to imitate me. Arrg I hate his voice mail.

"Tristan it's Irena. You're now ex girlfriend. I had enough of you over the years. And you well know what day is today.So I hope you're happy. And you know what,I hope that some of thouse booby traps cut you're dick off, becouse if they don't ,I will if I ever see you agein! Byyyyeeeii!!!!" I ended the call.

Oh. My. God. I can't belive I did that. No moving back. I need to be strong . I need to call Ashanti. She is my best friend and a voodoo Queen in New Orleanse.

"Heyy!! Where is my favourite witch at? Please don't tell me you are riding Tristan right now becouse first ,I know its you're 150 anniversary. Second ,you deserve the joy ride and third. Girl you are more crazy if you call me in you're fun time!!, Ashanti yelled out. Ouch,she is too loud.

"Damn,nooo!!! You think too fast."I laugh a bit,"It's a bit more serious.",I said.

"Hey don't blame me,you are kinky one in our little group. So girl,what's up?",said Ashanti.

I sighed,"Tristan didn't show up for our anniversary,I waited for him for two hours. He didn't even call. So I had enough and dumped him over a voice mail.", i said.

"That little fucking snake!!! I can't belive it. If I see him,I'll cut hid dick off!!!,yelled Ashanti. I bursted laughing.

"Whats wrong Irena? You ok girl? Don't flip out on me!!",said Ashanti.

"I'm ok,but I said the same thing to him on the voice mail. And I'll be ok,but can I come to New Orleanse to spend some time with you?I'm still a bit in shock." ,I said "

"Of course, girl. For what are best friends for. When are you coming?",said Ashanti.

"I'll call Pierre to get the jet ready. I'm flying tonight,so I'll be in New Orleanse right on time for Christmas morning. You don't have to pick me up,I'll get a taxi.",I said.

"Ok,girl. But poor Pierre, flying on Christmas eve, you are wicked.",said Ashanti.

"I pay him really good,and I want to see you as soon as possible.",I said.

"Okidoki,see you soon!",said Ashanti

"See you soon!", I said.

I hung up the phone and called Pierre. The jet will be ready for take off in a hour,si I needed to hurry up. With my magic I packed my stuff in less then a minute. I changed im my high waist jeans and a red crop top sweater. I pulled on my favourite black over knee high heeled boots .I called a taxi and left to the airport. Soon I'll be in New Orleanse.

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