The encounter

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I was woken up by a ray of sunshine landing right on my face. I stretched and yawned a big huge yawn. I was happy it was Saturday. Although it was only the first week of school, the teachers showed us no mercy. Apparently the teachers were required to give orientation on the first day. If they had it their way, then it would have been nonstop work. I rubbed my face as I thought about how stressful this year was going to be.

Sighing I decided to get up and go to the kitchen where my father was making Big Breakfast. A meal that consisted of everything you could imagine in the breakfast genre. I loved my family, and would do everything to protect them, because I didn't protect my sister. I held in a sob for the happy atmosphere's sake and sat down to start eating. It was yummy, like always. Once I was finished, I thanked my dad then went in my room to freshen up. Marlee had invited me to her house today around 3:00. Apparently the group was going to have a sleepover. I was so excited! I checked the time and found it was only 11:00.

I decided I would read out on the porch since it was a nice day out today.

I've been watching you.

The thought popped up into my head all of a sudden. I shivered. It wasn't cold.

I asked my mom the next morning if she opened up my window. I was happy to hear that in fact she had opened the window because the air conditioner broke while I was asleep. I forgot to ask her if she gave me the letter, but I assumed she had since she was the one opened the window. I still couldn't figure out what the scraping noise was but I guessed it was from the trees outside.

But wasn't it close to your face?

I shrugged. I was probably just tired and heard it wrong.

As for the letter itself, I was hoping it was just a prank used for the new girl in town. Or one of Amber's crew trying to creep me out in order for me to crawl back in my shell again. But I would not. I will stand my ground until the day I die. I sighed. I had an explanation for everything. Everything was fine.

On the subject of Mr. Thomas, I decided not to dwell on him to much. I needed to focus on my classes if I wanted to get into a good college. I mostly ignored his stare and kept on doing my work. Since we had tons of work, it provided for a very good distraction. By now I was tired of Mr. Thomas and his flirtatious personality. I didn't care anymore.

That's a lie. I hated when I did this. I lied to myself. All the time. To distract me from my reality. I was still scared, but I now learned how to conceal my emotions. I was tired of people walking all over me because they could read me like a book. I would be strong.

I didn't get a letter since that night, so i was guessing it was just a joke. I'm tired of being made as a joke. Sighing i took the book i was reading at the moment out on the porch. The wind blew just right then and my hair flowed out of my face as a little piece of sunlight fell on my face. I sat on the bench and kicked, making it swing. It was a nice feeling

All of a sudden i heard a clicking sound. It didn't seem like it was from nature, so i looked up from what i was reading and followed my eyes to where i was hearing the noise. The sun was glaring right into my eyes, almost blinding me from seeing anything at all. Using the steps and walking forward, i shielded my eyes to try to see where the noise was coming from. But all of sudden it stopped. I shrugged and turned around and gasped.

I forgot that there was Ziena flowers planted there. Memories of me and Angie came flooding in. It was us planted the flowers from the seed and watching them grow a little by little. Like Angie was growing herself. Now she cant. I teared up before i realized that they were wilting. I would not let them die.

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