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~~(Y/n's P.O.V)~~
"DAMMIT Y/N, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!!? YOU'RE OLD ENOUGH TO LIVE ON YOUR OWN." Dad yells in my face while slapping me.
     I try to use my arms to defend myself and to protect my face. It's no use I drop to floor, but the abuse continues. He starts to kick my side and legs. Well that's going to leave a mark. No use to hide it now. I felt pain until I started to feel numb. He finally stopped which I'm glad he did.
     As I try to stand I immediately feel a huge sting of pain shoot through my body. I fall to the ground creating more pain. I try crawling which works. I eventually make it to my room still in pain. I sit against the rusty wall for support.
     I look around my room for my phone and instantly find it laying on my bed. I reach for it and eventually grab it after struggling for some time. I look at my phone to see my friend spammed me with messages.

Beebo: Hey

Beebo: Y/n you there


Beebo: I'm getting worried

Beebo: Come on Y/n not now

Beebo: Y/n if you don't respond I'm going to go over there

Beebo: Please I'm worried about you

Beebo: Y/n

Beebo: Please

Beebo: Answer

Beebo: I'm on my way over there, you better answer the door

     Crap I can't have him see me like this. I begin to panic knowing my dad will freak if he knew Brendon is coming over. I stay frozen in fear worrying what's going to happen now. As I'm panicking I hear someone knocking on the door. No, no, no, no, I'm dead, I'm so dead. I put my ear against the door to be able to hear what's going on out there.

"What are you doing here pussy!?" I hear my dad say sounding pissed, "That bitch didn't tell you to come over right?"

"First off Y/n isn't a "bitch" she's your daughter and no I brought myself over because I'm worried about her." I hear Brendon say.

"You have some nerve to be here little guy."

"I don't care, I'm worried about my friend, so if you can just get out of my way that will be the greatest thing in the world."

"You don't make the rules here and no, you're not going to enter to see that whore."

"Fine have it your way."

     I back away from the door already knowing what's going to happen. I hear footsteps getting closer to my door. I start hyperventilating shortly after. I see my door nob twist, expecting the worst I close my eyes.

"Y/n" A soft voice speaks.

     I stay quiet not knowing what to say or do. I slowly open my eyes expecting to see my dad only to be met with brown eyes.

"Y/n did he hit you?" He softly asks.

I nod not really being able to say anything to him.

"Y/n you should have told me."

    I don't know what to say or do so I just close my eyes and look down feeling ashame. I knew I should have told him, by I didn't have the nerve I was just to scared. I feel arms around me bringing me closer, I nuzzle into the warmness of his shirt.

"Come on Y/n I'm taking you somewhere safer."

"What about my dad?" I question my voice sounding hoarse.

"I took care of him, don't worry."

"W-w-what will happen i-if h-he finds o-out?" I'm barely able to say.

"No way in hell is he gonna lay hands on you. I'll make sure of it."

     I feel safe in his arms, I scoot closer to him and shut my eyes. Last thing I see is Brendon looking down at me.

Roommates Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now