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~~(Y/n's P.O.V)~~

     Why is Brendon acting like this? Why can't he recognize I'm trying to help him.  Is he jealous!?  I walk away knowing he won't be opening any time soon.  I feel terrible knowing I'm the one who caused this. Brendon, if only you knew how I  really felt about you, it hurts me seeing you like this. Why won't you notice all these signs I've been trying to give you? I head over to the kitchen and make a cup of instant coffee. As I'm serving it in a black mug I notice someone's presence. I then feel them wrap their arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry I got angry at you." Brendon softly whispers.

"I'm sorry for making you feel bad," I say tears softly falling. "I was worried about you."

"Y/n don't cry, none of this is your fault."

     Brendon turns me around in his arms so I'm facing him, he then wipes my tears that had spilled with his soft thumb. I wrap my arms around his torso crying into his chest.  

"No Y/n, please don't cry I already feel bad as it is." He softly whispers into my ear.

     I stop my tears from pouring out and hold on to Brendon as if my life depended on it. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest just from being hugged by him.

~~(Brendon's P.O.V )~~

     My heart is beating out of my chest, she's so close. I can't contain my feelings anymore, they have to be let loose. Without realizing what I was doing I'm already holding onto her smooth cheeks with my lips pressed onto her's. I feel her freeze but melt into the kiss a couple seconds later. I pull away only to be met with her wide eyes.

"I'm sorry," I say and rush out the door.


     I walk out the door before she has any time to call out to me. I spot a small cafe in the distance and walk towards it. I spot a familiar red hair boy standing in line with another girl.

"Josh what the hell!?"

"Oh, hey Brendon," Josh says smiling at me. "Why do you look so pissed off?"

"How can you be so calm after I just caught you out with another girl!?"

"Brendon, that's my friend Sarah." He laughs at me, "She just moved back from California and I was showing her around."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I apologize slightly looking down.

"It's fine. Uh, Sarah, this is Brendon." Josh says pointing at the girl next to him.

"Nice to meet you." She says offering her hand to shake.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm uh Brendon."

"So I've heard." She giggles.

"Brendon, why don't we go on a double date?" Josh randomly questions me.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun!" Sarah exclaims.

"Uh, sure."

"So Sarah you'll be going with Brendon cause I already have a date."

"I don't mind going on a date with Brendon." Sarah bluntly says.

"Uh okay."

"Should we go out now so we can do something fun together?" Josh asks.

"Uh sure."

"I'll call Y/n to tell her what's going on and to come meet us up here." Josh says, "Be back in a bit."

"So, Sarah what's California like?"

"It's nice, but I think I like it here better."

"Really? "

"Yeah, if I had known a guy like you were over here than I would have moved here a lot sooner." She says while blushing.

~~(Y/n's P.O.V)~~


I immediately pick up my phone assuming it's Brendon, "Hello."

"Hey Y/n it's Josh."

"Oh, hey Josh."

"Y/n change of plans on our date."


"Yeah, we're going on a double date with Brendon."


"Yeah, we bumped into each other at the coffee shop."

"Oh okay."

"We also need you to come meet us here so we can all go somewhere unless you want me to come pick you up."

"Can you come pick me up please?"

"Yeah of course, but it may take me a bit cause I have to pick something up at home."

"Okay, I'll be waiting."

~~(Josh's P.O.V)~~

"Guys I'm gonna go pick up Y/n okay?"

"We'll be here Josh," Sarah says smiling.

     I get into my car rushing home to go get the giant teddy bear I got for Y/n. I hope she actually likes it as much as she said she did over text.  I rush into my house grabbing the bear. I rush to Y/n's house.

~~(Brendon's P.O.V)~~

I can't believe I'm going on a date with someone I just met! What is wrong with me? I kissed Y/n and now I'm doing this I'm a bad guy. I wait in line to order some coffee with Sarah.

"Look at that couple over there aren't they cute." Someone comments in the distance.

"Brendon did you hear that they think we're cute together. What do you say?" Sarah says looking up at me.

"Uh, I'm gonna go sit down."

"Aren't you gonna order anything?"

"No, I'm fine."

     I go take a window seat so I can see when Y/n arrives. I really want to just leave, but this gives me an excuse to look out for Y/n. I sit silently only to be interrupted by Sarah sitting by me. I see Josh's car pull into the parking lot mentally thanking him. I see Y/n step out wearing a black shirt and ripped jeans.

"Okay, guys where should we go?" Josh asks.

"We should go to the mall." Sarah eagerly responds.

"We can go to an amusement park." Y/n says.

"Yeah let's go there cause we can all have fun there," I state agreeing with Y/n.

"Well okay then, let's go we'll go in my car."

     We all walk out heading to Josh's car. The whole car ride is quiet other the music playing on the radio. It had started to get dark and we can see the lights to the amusement park.

"Wow, it's so pretty," Y/n exclaims with wide eyes.

"I know right, just wait till we get closer," Josh says to her.

"Thank you, Josh." Y/n says.

"For what?"

"For driving us here."

"We're gonna have so much fun here!" Sarah cheers.

"Yup," I say.

Roommates Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now