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~~(Y/n' S P.O.V)~~
     Ugh this class is the worst. Why can't it be my even day instead of my odd day? I rather be in Math than this. LIKE ALL WE DO IS OPEN A DAMN BOOK AND COPY VOCABULARY DOWN AND OCCASIONALLY WATCH A FUCKING BORING VIDEO, YET KIDS HAVE A HARD TIME DOING THAT.

"Y/n you okay? You're looking at that book intensely, as if you're planning revenge on it or something."

"Oh, hey Patrick. Sorry about that I just really dislike health. It's so boring." I whine banging my head with the textbook.

"I'll be taking that now," Patrick says taking the textbook out of my hands. "Come sit by Josh and I if your really that bored in this class."


"No buts you're gonna come sit by us and have a good time." Patrick grabs my hand dragging me to an empty desk near them.

"I'm gonna fall asleep either way Patrick."

"And I'll be the one making sure you don't do that." Josh informs poking my cheek.


     Who knew time would fly bye so fast? Finally freedom! Time to go home and rest from this shit hole. I'm gonna spend this weekend binge watching Netflix because I don't have a life what so ever.
I spot Brendon and jog to him, "Hey"

"Finally, could you have walked any slower."

"Sorry I don't have long legs like you." I protested.

"Then grow some."

"Yes, because that's how the world works. I can just say, body get taller or body I want to be small."

"Come here you dork." Brendon says laughing and pulling me in for a hug.

     It's nice and cloudy today, my happy days. I wonder what show or movie I'll watch today? Hmm, should I watch a K-Drama, comedy, or something that won't let me sleep at night because every little thought is coming at me making me question life. I guess I'll take the 3rd option.

"What ya thinking there buddy?"


"I asked what are you thinking about."

"Oh, I'm thinking about what to watch when I get home."

"Well, what ever you end up watching I'm gonna be by your side. You're so small and adorable Y/n." He says poking my cheek.

     I couldn't help but blush at his comment. I feel Brendon wrap his arm around me as we continue to walk home. My heart is pounding this is not okay. I grab my keys as I see our house getting nearer. I unlock the door getting ready to walk in before I hear my name being called.

"Y/n wait! Don't you dare walk in and lock that door."

"Josh you don't have to run anymore." I giggle.

"I was gonna ask you something earlier at school but forgot." Josh nervously rubs his neck.

"Go ahead ask away, Brendon you can go inside if you want."

"Nah I rather watch this instead."

"Anyway I wanted to ask if you would like to watch a movie with me Saturday?" Josh asks fiddling with his fingers.

"Yeah sure." I smile.

"I'll pick you up around 6:00." Josh walks away with a smile on his face.

"Y/n I thought we had plans Saturday."

I face Brendon looking down trying to hide my tomato face, "I'm sorry how about I spend all of Sunday with you."

"Yeah that works because I have you Friday, Sunday, and everyday of every week."

"You're so corny."

"Only for you."

Roommates Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now