Artemis X Reader

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So, I'm now trying to make readers with no gender. I am not going to be changing all of the already posted chapters, sorry, but I think it is kind of unfair of me to use only female pronouns. You may continue :P

Y/n: Your Name
L/n: Last Name
V/n: Villain Name
First Person/Your Point of View

My foot collided with the guy's chest as I heard the air being knocked out of him. He fell to the floor and crawled away, breathing heavily. I took a deep breath to calm myself, before walking and passing him. He backed away in fear but I ignored him and made my way out of the alley.

I shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets and walked to my house. I let out a visible breath in the cold night air as I looked at the ground. I heard someone drop down from somewhere and I immediately stopped, taking my hands out of my pockets and clenched my fists. I saw a girl clad in a green uniform and I chuckled as I raised my fists to my chest, getting into a fighting stance.

"Y/n L/n. Better known as V/n. Steals items and information from others. I've been watching you" she told me and I chuckled. "Stalker much? I should call the cops- oh wait, I'm more than all of them" I laughed and threw a punch that she managed to slide away from at the last minute. I moved forward, towards her and brought my left fist back to make it seem as if I was gonna punch her but kicked her in the side instead. She gasped and pulled out an arrow and aimed it at me before shooting it at my leg. I moved to the side but she let another go at my upper thigh. I tried to avoid it by jumping but it managed to graze my thigh and rip my pants and skin, blood pouring out of the fresh wound. She aimed another arrow at me and I mockingly raised my hands and let out a loud laugh before speaking, "You're good, I'll give ya that". She walked closer to me slowly with her arrow still poised.

When she got close enough I swiped her feet from under her with my uninjured leg and kicked her bow away before pinning her down by straddling her. She struggled in my hold but I pressed down her wrists, which were above her head. I chuckled and grinned down at her, "But not as good as me" I finished my earlier statement. She glared at me and tried to lift her hips to push me off of her. "Want more?" I laughed at her blushing face and bent down to kiss her lips. She- not so surprisingly kissed back. What can I say? I am irresistible. We pulled away eventually and she looked so beautiful with the moonlight shining down on her. "Well, just because I like you I'll give ya some of my info" I told her with a big grin on my face. I leaned down to her ear and whispered, "I only do what I do to survive. It's either this life- or no life". I pecked her lips before jumping off of her and into the shadows. Fun girl isn't she? Definitely. She will be mine.

I hope you enjoyed this and have a glorious day. Thanks for reading!

   -mgBookLover out·

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