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Zay starts singing "We're driving to the hotel the hotel in this place were goiiiiiiing to the ho-"
Ayo starts singing" Zay you're no good stop singing BEFORE I PUCH YOU"
Zay:"before you puch me?"
Teo snickers
Ayo:"I said punch not puch"
Imprint:"No you said Puch you"
Kandi:"OMG EZRA STOP BEFORE I PUCH YOU" she said mocking Ayo
Ayo:"You guys are cruel"
They pulled up to the hotel and brought there things upstairs so they could put them in their rooms.
Morris had his own room, the boys had there own room, and the girls had a room
Teo:"Morris why do you get your own room but all 5 of us have to share"
Morris:"Do you really want to share a room with me Teo"
He thought about it and said" Never Mind" and walked into the room

Boys room
Key:"we have to figure out sleeping arrangements, so there's 3 beds so one person gets there own"
Imprint:"That's not fair "
Ayo:"Rock paper scissors"
Teo:"That would take too long, let's flip a coin and go on from there"
In the end Zay ended up getting the bed to himself while imprint and Teo shared and key and Ayo shared.

Girls room
Kendra:"ok there are 2 beds one of us gets our own"
Ezra:"I call it"
Kendra:"Are you a bad sleeper"
Ezra:"No why"
Kendra:"Kandi is so I think she should get the bed"
Kandi:"Yah I have my friend a black eye at a sleepover once"
Ezra:"Yah I think you should get the bed"
2 hours later
Morris knocks on both doors which are across the hall from each other.
Morris:"So usher just emailed me and told me about a big party down in Calabasas that he said would give good publicity. Do you guys want to go?"
Everyone:"HECK YA"
Morris:"Be ready in an hour"
Everyone rushed back to there rooms to get ready.

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