Chapter One The Mayor's Assistant

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'I was new to town, my mother had been hired to be the mayor's assistant. I was the new girl at Riverdale High school, I was the only other one to care for my younger sister Chrissie as my dad ran out on my mom after she was born, I also took in an after school job at Pop's as a waitress to help my mom with the bills. That's also where I met my new friends, and unknowingly caught the eye of two guys.. My name is Laura Addison, and I now live in a town called Riverdale..' "Reggie, there's a new girl starting today, she moved here from Boston. According to Principal Weatherbee, her name is Laura Addison." A boy said "Chuck, she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen." Reggie said "Welcome to Riverdale High, Miss Addison. We hope you like it here." Principal Weatherbee said "Thank you, Mr. Weatherbee." I said "Hey, Laura. Over here.. You have been invited to sit with us, I'm Reggie Mantle. I see you're new here and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang after school, come watch me practice.." Reggie said "You know, I'd love to, but I start my first shift today." I said 'I had taken my phone out of my pocket, seeing a text from my mom, I had to watch Chrissie while working my shift. From what I heard, Pop Tate was one of the nicest guys in Riverdale..' "You must be Laura. I'm Pop Tate, and who is this?" Pop asked "This is my sister Chrissie. Our mom had to work late, so I have to keep an eye on her and work my shift." I said "It's no problem at all, Laura." Pop said "Hey, Chrissie, why don't you go put your stuff in the booth and I'll bring you a Chocolate shake." I said "Okay.." Chrissie said "Who's Jake?" Reggie asked "Give it back, Reggie." I said "First, tell me who Jake is, Laura." Reggie said "Jake was my first boyfriend and the only guy I've dated before we moved here, at that point, we had no choice but to call off the relationship. And just a way of informing you that I'm not interested in going out on dates, I need to focus on my studies, look after my sister, and help my mom pay the bills by taking this job." I said snatching the photo from him "He looks a lot like Jughead.." Reggie said 'It was then two boys and two girls following them; one dark haired and one red haired walking into the diner. I had looked behind me, seeing that the dark haired boy did remind me of Jake, the resemblence was almost uncanny, unlike the dark and broody attitude and difference in hair color, it was like he had followed me from Boston..' "Excuse me, miss, could we get four cheeseburgers and four shakes please?" The red haired boy asked "Four cheeseburgers and shakes, coming up.." I said "You just moved here, didn't you? You're Laura, right?" The blonde girl said "Yeah. The four of you are in my gym class, right?" I asked "Welcome to Riverdale, I'm Archie Andrews." The red haired boy said "Veronica Lodge." The dark haired girl said "Betty Cooper." The blonde girl said "J-Ju- Jughead Jones." The dark haired boy stuttered "Nice to meet all of you, and that is my younger sister, Chrissie with Pop over there." I said "She is so cute." Betty said "It's hard juggling school, a job and looking after her, especially when my father bailed on us when my mom was pregnant with Chrissie, Mom and I, we just didn't have the heart to tell her about Dad being a deadbeat." I said "We're sorry to hear that, Laura. If you ever feel like talking, we'll be with you whenever you need us." Jughead said, placing his hand on top of mine "Thanks. My shift ends in five minutes, I need to change and get Chrissie home." I said "Excuse me, miss.. I'd like to order." Reggie called "I'm sorry, but my shift is over, I was just going to take my sister home." I said "Could I at least get a water?" Reggie said 'I had then taken a quarter of a bottle of water, putting it into a glass, walking over to Reggie's table. I had then gone to the back, changing out of my uniform, when Jughead had met me outside..' "Jughead. This is a surprise." I said "I was wondering if you and your sister wanted a ride home.." Jughead said "That's very sweet. Thanks.. I'll go get Chrissie and meet you outside." I said "I'll see you outside." Jughead said 'I had got my jacket, and carried a tired Chrissie out to Jughead's car, I buckled her in the back seat, and moved into the passenger's seat, it was when we got back to my house, that I had seen a shadowed figure on my front porch, Jughead followed behind me as I had approached the house, completely shocked about who was there... was my deadbeat father, Charlie Morgan..'

~End of Chapter One~

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