Start fresh, the past won't follow

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Chapter 1

"Its time to wake up Becks" her mother called, light suddenly came fluttering in flooding the room, making everything visible. "You cant be late for your first day of your new school, it wont make a good impression" Becks mother carried on. A low grumble comes from underneath the feather like covers and a pale canvas like face appeared, massive gloaming shadows were pencilled on underneath her eyes, like someone had shaded them on. The snow like covers were pushed to one side and the rest of the body emerged. It was thin and stick like. Becks blonde curly hair draped around her shoulders like a curtain. She placed her thin, feeble arm infront of her, reaching out for her new school uniform, a plain shirt and pleated skirt fell of the metal hanger and onto the massive ruffled double bed. A red and white tie dangled down touching her small feet, the toe nails were decorated carefully, they were shining neon pink because of the bright light shining down on them.

Becks carefully placed her shirt over her covering up her boney chest and slipping her arms through the small holes. Finally she was ready her face made up black eye liner highlighting her deep blue eyes. "Hurry up, you will miss the bus" her mother shouted up the stairs, the sound filling up the house. "I'm coming" Becks called back with a weird tone in her voice. The hard wooden door closed softly trapping a pink strappy top in the door. Becks took one look in the mirror, flung her bag over her right shoulder and hurried downstairs knocking a picture on the way. Her mom was waiting at the bottom impatiently, looking at her detailed silver watch every 2 minutes.

Red made up lips headed towards Becks face, her mother kissed her goodbye leaving a massive lipstick smudge on her left rosy cheek. "mommm!" Becky moaned while moving her arm upwards and rubbed off the smudge. "right get going now the bus will be down the road in a minute" her mom said, looking at her watch again. "yes mom" Becky replied. The front door opened and Becky skipped through it, getting her phone out of her fluffy coat pocket, her long finger pressed down on a little black button and it leaped into motion. "bye have a good day" her mother called behind her. The White shining door slammed beind her making the silver letterbox rattle.

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