Charlie Williams

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Screaming at all different pitches were coming from all different directions, Becks was surrounded by people of all different but all screaming and shouting.  "Haha, you don't seem impressed" a noise came from beside her, it was Charlie, he had a whooping great smile on his face, his brown eyes were squinted and looking at Becks. "Ahh, there's to many people, and there all so boisterous" she laughed. Everything seemed to go muffled, it was like Charlie and Becks were the only ones there, both staring in each others eyes, getting lost in a different world. "Charlie, Charlie" a voice was coming out of the distance, it sounded masculine and familiar.  The words were coming closer. The gloomy shadow was getting closer. His face appeared from the darkness. Both Charlie and Becks looked at the figure, it was Charlie's best mate. The figure was tall, thin, he had blonde hair that was spiked up on top of his head. His green shining eyes were glowing in the sunlight. "Urm I've got to uh, um go" Becks said hurrying off, her face had become pale like she had just seen a ghost. "Bye then, see you around" Charlie called after her. "That was weird" He murmured to his friend his brown eyebrows raised so they nearly touched his hair line. "Lets go mate" the thin blonde boy murmured staring in the direction that Becks left in. The atmosphere became dark and gloomy, making chills run down Charlie's long spin.

DInggggg a piercing sound came from the humongous building. Everyone rushed inside queues at the doors, everyone pushing and showing there way in, through the small narrow doors leading into the monstrous building. The blonde hair boy made his legs leap into motion moving him towards the door. Charlie was stood there in a trance, his mind filled with thoughts of Becks and how she rushed away when George came. "Wait up George" Charlie called finally, when George was about to disappear into the building. George picked up his tatty bag and rushed to his friend. The posh white door with small little details closed behind all the carefree students.

Becks had already taken a seat in English when Charlie arrived, George was in a different class to both Becks and Charlie. The blue chair next to Becks pulled out from underneath the table a pale hand placed over the top of the chair. Becks glanced up her fringe falling over face. "Hey, can I sit here?" Charlie asked with a small smile on his face, showing his dimple on his right red cheek. "Yeah I suppose" Becks replied looking down at the clean desk, twiddling a sharp yellow pencil in her hand. Charlie pushed the chair making it viscously pull away from the table, leaving a long squealing in everyone's ears. He flung his tatty bag down and placed his bum in the small chair, he dragged it along the scratched wooden floor again until his stomach reached the white gleaming table. "Why did you rush off like that?" Charlie whispered to Becks, making her sit up right and go pale. Charlie's face filled with concern. "NOTHING MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS" Becks shouting filling the classroom with noise, all the faces turned fast, all moving to face Becks, the room stunned. Moments after everyone started talking, but they weren't normal conversations they were all about Becks. "What's her problem" "OMG, she just shouted at Charlie, she's insane, he's the most popular guy at this school, and extremely hot" the voices said piercing through Becks head and spinning around her head.

The rest of the lesson Charlie didn't say a word to her, not to anyone. People tried to talk to him, nothing. His mind was full of thought, what's wrong with her? Why did she run away? Why did she shout? Didn't she like me? All these questions were filling up in his brain. "Charlie Williams, what have I just said" the teacher screamed bellowing into Charlie's ear, making him jump high of his seat. "Urm, ahh, urmm, I don't know, sorry Miss Conners" Charlie mumbled his cheeks shining bright red. "Listen now, I don't need to learn this I have already learnt all of this" Miss Conner replied, the wrinkles on her face getting bigger, her dark brown eyes getting smaller, the slug like eyebrows placed on her forehead had knotted together in the centre of her forehead. "No wonder she's not married" Charlie mumbled, a massive smirk coming across his face, showing his dimples. There was movement beside him, Becks had a smile across her face and started laughing,. "Did you see her eyebrows" Becks whispered into Charlie's ear, his heart started to race, he couldn't keep the smile from appearing on his face, Becks ear warmed up Charlie's cheek as she was whispering. "Sorry for shouting earlier, I was urm urm annoyed about something" Becks mumbled looking down at the floor like something was seriously wrong. "Its fine, I know ive only just met you but you can tell me stuff you know" Charlie whispered, one arm wrapped around Beck the other one awkwardly hanging by his side. Dinnggggg the bell went filling the massive building, everybody got up from their seats, the room filling with hustle and bustle of people. The door once again filled with people trying to exit, people getting shoved and elbowed. But Becks and Charlie dident move, they were still in the same position like a freeze frame, then Charlie suddenly leaped into action, his arm moving away from around Becks hot body. "Come on, its break, lets go meet George?" Charlie called heading to the door, looking over his bold shoulder in the direction of Becks. "Urm no thanks" Becks called picking up her rucksack. Becks pushed Charlie out the way and walked down the corridor, leaving Charlie standing there like a lost sheep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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