The Truth or Dare

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Living with the boys would be weird. I just met them you know so living with them wasn't going to be ok. Me and Niall are just friend and were already popping up in magazine together as the next celeb couple. I've only lived here for 6 days and you know the airport still hasn't brought me my bag. Its really confusing the last few days like really hard to. The Paul guy is always with me say Niall don't want me to be alone since fans know who I am already. Knowing that I might get hate the boys keep me completely off twitter, Instagram and sometimes Facebook it they were with me. Me and Louis we pretty close he like my brother I am the only one who knows who he likes other then him of course. Zayn and I don't really talk he nice when he does talk to me though. Liam is the nice all the time to me also like a brother. Niall and I are close too but not to the point we hang out like me and Louis he try's though like the other day when we were all playing truth or dare he wanted to know who I like in the band I told him no one but he thinks I like Louis but I like him but I am not going to tell him that. "Louis" I called down. "Yeah Lexi" "Can I trust you with something " " Sure what is it" "I think I like Niall a lot I mean a lot I've liked him since I got here there's just some thing about him that makes me feel safe and at home you know" "Why didn't you tell him when we were playing Truth or Dare" " It's not like its easy telling some one you like them it's like me telling you to tell Chloe" "That's right how about we play truth or dare again and we ask him if he likes you and we also find out if Chloe likes me" Louis why would we do that ? wait thats actually a good idea" Am I ever wrong " "You can be I mean like telling me that you didn't like Chloe

you lie and was wrong"

*That Night*

          Hey guess I got dinner I said as I walk in to the house. "Lexi are we going to play truth or dare again tonight" Niall ask ,"Yeah we are " "when are we going start" After dinner" Ok cant wait" "Ok then" "Lexi can i ask you something thing""Yeah anything"" do u like Louis" "No I like u "I blurt out with out even noticing . "You like me " he said.  "Um yeah " I guess there's no reason to play truth or dare " "Yes niall there is something else is going to happen" "oh what " Nothing "

*After Dinner*

"Are you guys ready to play truth or dare " Louis said. "Yeah!! "said Chloe existed . " I didn't expect you to be to happy " I told her. "You must not know me to well" she mumbled. "Lets start" said Liam. "Can I ask something " asked Harry. "Yeah what is it " I said . "I got you enrolled in Manchester University would you like to go with me to your meeting " Harry are you being serious " "Yeah Niall help we all know you've always wanted to go so we talked to Eleanor and she said she'd talk to them and they let us enroll you" "I love u guys" *Hugs them* . "Can we start now "

Louis said. "Yeah" I said "You start lou" Chloe said. "Ok Niall Truth or Dare "Louis said.  "Dare" he said. 

*Louis smiles* "I dare I to kiss  Lexi " * Niall leans close and kisses me * there's yells and whistles when we kisses we don't pull away for a few minutes. "Woah you guys" Liam said *I pull away first * "Niall your turn"I say laughing. "Ok Louis truth or dare" Niall ask Louis "I pick truth" he  said . "Alright" Niall said " is it true you like chloe" ) Louis look at me then back at Niall the fact hes still with Eleanor Niall should have never ask him that since Eleanor is just in the other room sleeping. "I do like her but I am with Eleanor" hes said looking sad. "Ok " I said "this game is over " I looked at Niall with disappointment on my face . "I am going to be bed" Louis said. We all went to are rooms and went to bed.

*Author notes*

♥♥thank you for reading this sorry this chapter took do long hope you guys like it like comment and vote ♥♥

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