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                      Chapter 7

                   *Nialls POV*

Today is Lexi party. I still didn't know what Harry got her. Wasn't sure who was going and how much we were going to drink.  I was the one who had to take her to the store and take her out tell 7:30. We had to be back by 7:20 exactly and wait out side for ten minutes while they got ready for us to come in. "Niall " she asked in her sweet America accent. "Yes love" "Why do we have to get up so early its Friday" she said pouting. "Because today is our day just us" I say smiling. "Then why can't we stay home" she said smiling.  "No go shower love we leave in 1 hour" "1 hour " she screamed "Yep ONE HOUR" "Fine " she said getting up and going into the shower.

                      *Lexi POV*

I dont know what they have planned but there is something. I had be wanting to know since I got in the shower but Niall just wouldn't tell me. We first went to a dress shop and he told me to find my favorite one. I never really had a thing for dress but I look anyway. "I found one Niall" I yelled across the store. It was blue and came to my knees and was a strapless dress and it flowy at the botton I love it I really like it. "Lexi you look amazing " Alex said coming up behind Niall "Thanks when did you get here " "Just now oh hi Niall" she said it as if she had know Niall forever maybe it wasn't going to be bad. Niall just waved and smiled like he didn't care she was there. "Can I talk to you Alex"  he asked. Why would he want to talk to her.

                       *Nialls POV*

I had to tell Alex about the party and tell her to go help set up. She would probably say no considering she works here at the mall. " So will you " I ask " Yeah sure" she said smiling. "Thanks we really need the extra help" I say smiling back. "No problem Harry will be happy to see me there anyway thanks Niall see you later , By Lexi" she yelled walking away.  "By" lexi said looking confused. "Where is she going Niall" she asked as I walked up. "Harry needed her help " I said. "Oh well what do you think of this one" she asked she was now wearing a light green dress that came to her kness strapless it was fluffy except for the part that came down to her hips. It brought out her hair perfectly I love this dress all it needs is the shoes and were done "I ... I love it" I stuttered. "Does it look bad" she asked looking down frowning. "No you look great, Beautiful actually" I say smiling. She looks amazing were getting this one. "Lets get this one" I say walking up to her. "Ok why?" "Your look amazing in it" "Awe " she said blushing."Lets go get your shoes and then get your hair and make up done" I says as she walks to change back into her normal clothes. I hope that no one sees us not many people know about Lexi and I. I havent told the fans so you know. "Niall I am ready" she says  coming out of the dressing room.  "Ok lets go" I say grabbing her hand.


By time seven comes around we are ready to leave she looks good from her head to her toes. She bought a pair a black convers that came up to her knees to wear with her dress. She hated heals is what she told me so we went with those. "Niall why do I have to wear all of this " "Because I am wearing this so u have to wear that". I was wear a outfit that went with hers and looked nice the boys were dressed up as well as everyone who was coming. "So all because we match" she said smiling. "Yes ok yes " I said grabbing her hand again."lets go it seven "I say pulling her out of the mall. "Niall slow down please why are you in such a hurry" she pulled her hand away from mine."No reason just tired" "Well you were hurting me" "Sorry Love please can we go now" "Yes but calm down" "I promise" I say grabbing her hand softer this time.

                       *Lexi POV*

         Niall was being really jumpy not in a good way either. He hurt my arm trying to pull me out of her now I know that they have something planned. The whole drive home is quite. " Were here " Niall said as we pulled up to the house we got home at 7:15. "So are we going to go in" I ask tapping my hand on my lap "Yeah one more thing" Niall said grabbing me and pulling me to him. "Niall what are you doing" I say looking him in the eyes. They were amazing blue and bright when he looked at me . "Kiss me " he said smiling. "Sure" I say leaning in and kissing him. As our lips touch I felt like I was on fire I've never have had this feeling kissing someone. Only him. He pulls away slowly "lets go inside" he say smiling. "Ok " I hope out the car and go up to the door and wait for Niall. He walks up behind me and opens the door. "SURPRISE!!!!" everyone yells as I walk in. This is not what I was expecting when I walk through the door a surprise party. "Congratulations Lexi" they all yelled again. I was still quite confused on what was going on. "Whats going on" I sounded confused. "We are congratulating you on making iit in to Manchester" Liam said smiling. "Really"I said looking around. "Where did Niall go " I asked "Right Here" he said handing me a gift."What is this" " A present every one go you one" he said smiling.  I grab the box and open it. I almost cry when I saw what was inside it was a brand new IPhone with a case and everything I need. "Who was this from"I ask "Me " Niall said hugging me. "Oh my god thank you" I said and kisses him. "Your welcome" he said pulling away.

Harry came up next he got me a laptop. I said my thanks yous and waited for the next person. Zayn came next he go me something from him and perrie it was tickets for mw and Niall to go to paris . Liam get me a suit case whole set. Louis and Chloe got me a letter saying we were all going on the tour with them and they also go me a car. We drank a little then all went to bed.

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