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Me and Niall left for Paris today I couldn't wait tell we finally had time to our selfs just us me and him no one else but one week after we got home we would be leaving for tour. I only went one week of school because of all these events coming up. Their letting me take classes online to keep me updated on every thing. Alex is also going on tour with us just for Harry. Louis seemed ok with everything. Eleanor on the other hand hated the fact. She was so mad at Louis she couldn't bare seeing him with Chloe. I hated seeing her so sad. "Louis " I yelled. "Yea "he yelled back. "Where is my suit case." I yelled. I knew he wouldn't know but it wouldn't hurt to ask. "I dont know why did you lose it" he yelled back. "No I think someone hid  it from me. Come up here" I yelled. I heard him come up the stairs and open my door. "You look stunning " he said. I was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans with a Hipster Please shirt. I had make up on not a lot but just enough. I had my red hair in a fish tail braid that ended just below my bra line. "Thanks Lou" I said smiling. "Did you checked Nialls room" he asking looking around. "No but he done said he hadn't seen it " I said looking in my closet. "Found it" I mumbled. I had look every where for this damn suite case and I mean every where.

Then all of a sudden Louis comes in and we find it like really really. "You ok Lexi" Louis asked. "Yeah I am just fine" I said almost smiling. "You look stressed out" he said pulling me in for a hug. "I just worried about the flight and what its going to be like" I said beginning to cry. "Shhh don't cry its ok Lexi please its ok" he said making me look at him. "Louis" before I could finish Louis smack his lips into mine. When his lips touched mine it didn't feel the way I felt when I kissed  Niall it wad different more passionate like we both need it. I hears the door open and pulled away to see Niall and Chole both walking in. "Whats going on" Niall soad with his fist clinched. Mistakes my biggest mistake in history kissing someone I don't love.

*Sorry for the short chapter next one will be longer promise* VOTE AND COMMENT

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