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"A dingo stole my baby!" Screamed a cocoa man. His voice like a snake, licking every 's'. The man's golden eyes glittered in the paleing moon. A frantic pace became him. His sculpted body glinted with a panicked sweat.
"Are you alright?" I ask. Peering my head towards the man. This is what I get for hanging out at the park at night. I am a fucking valued member of society! I keep their puny worlds going because of my articles! I am the best journalist their little brains will ever process. I ranted over my late assignment about a drug bust.
"No." The man's square, chiseled jaw turned to me. Light glints of of his straight teeth.
"Okay..." I said unsure. "Are you currently on some form of narcotic?" I spoke softly, holding my tape recorder out in my hand.
"That." The chocolate man spoke in an almost seductive tone, pulling a knife out of his pink leather belt.
I stood like a statue. The polluted breeze played with my red hair. Damn, I am hot. As I was distracted with my looks, the man took the time to extract the hooked blade from his belt and booped me in the perfect nose.
"Boop." His rainbow dildo unicorn horn jiggled with his jerky movements.
Before I had time to react, the hooked blade slashed my eye. I felt hot blood ooze out of my wound. My bodily fluids betraying be with fleeting blackness. My eye, half severed, on the blade. The man slurped the eye like a lizard. The forehead dildo jiggled. He turned and crab danced into the forest.
The man got sniped in the head, then the world went blue.

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