Chapter 5 "Abnormal Titan"

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Hello again!

Hope you guys have an extraordinary day!

Enjoy Chapter 5 and more to come!

Just to recap:

Y/n: Your name

L/n: Last name

H/n: Horse name

H/c: Hair color

E/c: Eye color


" Abnormal Titan"

"Angel Aaltonen? H-how? It's impossible." Your voice stuttered.

"We don't have time to talk around." The guy with the bushy eyebrows insisted. He left the building and flew into the air.


The others with the green cape turned their heads to the loud roar. You looked through the cracks of the building and saw a tall titan.

A titan with long jet black hair emerged from a dead titan laying on the cold stone pavement. The titan was tall and fit, with eyes like the new leaves on a flower. The atmosphere of the titan seemed.... familiar.

"What is that noise?!" The girl with the brown hair questioned. She looked at the sky where the birds flew from their nests to flee.  Through her glasses was something more, she was smiling? 

"Hange." Levi spoke in a monotone voice. He looked straight into her eyes. 

"This is getting interesting!" She spoke softly and laughed loudly. " Let's go get us a Titan!" on her call, everyone left you and Levi.

"Let's go. They need all the help they can get." Levi starts to push himself off the ground, his face is in pain as he lifts his weight up. 

"Captain.." You stood up with the strength you had left to extend your arm for his support. He pushed your hand away and said, " Don't call me Captain, stranger." He glared at you with his grey, shallow, eyes. You gasp from the sight, the look of a dark sky enclosed in a small world.

He pushed himself off the wall and walked with his head high and didn't look back. He became so careless about his pain and continue to be brave for himself. 

A small stray of light lingered from the cracks felt like... hope. The hope of humanity in the dark.

 As Levi touched the light of the sky he vanished and flew. 

You grimace in pain as you felt each vein pumping adrenaline to every part of your body. Your shoes ruffled against the ground as you shuffled your way out to the battle. 

Asking yourself " Why am I even helping? I could be on my way across the wall to see my family. Was this a way to repay Levi back from saving me? " Thoughts swirl your head along with the pain. 

You walked out into the bright sunlight that reflected off your silver 3Dmg.  Your blades were broken clean in half, with the other blades, similar to Levi, was not compatible with yours. 

You unclipped your blade from your 3dMg and raised it towards the sun. The shadow of the blade filtered your face as you thought " Guess half of a blade is going to have to work. " 

You found me. Levixreaderحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن