oh, so many feelings...

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☝ This is Kristen☝

Owen's POV

You dipshit, why would you kiss her? Why couldn't you have settled for something simpler, like oh...I don't know... USING YOUR WORDS? Now she's gonna think your crushing on her, and she's gonna get all soft and act fake around you, because she doesn't think you can handle rejection. Great job Owen. Great job.

My thoughts jolt me awake in a cold sweat.

Goddamit. A full 48 hours of not talking to her, and I'm still having nightmares about her.

Well, not really nightmares, more like....wild conspiracy theories about how she'll react on Monday. All of which have bad endings. Sighing, I get up and out of bed, and get ready for the day.

This weekend went by so fast. The entire time, I was thinking of Allison.

“Owen, hurry! You’re going to be late for school!” my mom shouts from downstairs. Gosh woman. Dont you get it?






After about half an hour of taking my sweet time, I’m ready to leave. I walk out of the house, and meet my mom in the car.

“Why'd you take so long?” She asks me while starting the car.

I just shrug my shoulders and look out the window.

I wonder how Allison will react, after what I did. Maybe she’ll actually leave Justin, and come back to me.

When we arrive, I remind my mom to pick me up, and get out of the car. As I walk to my locker, I pass Allison’s locker, and see her there, getting her things. She looks over her shoulder and sees me. She opens her mouth, starting to say something, so I quickly walk away before she can say it.

Come on Owen, what’s wrong with you? Don't be a pussy, just go talk to her!

The bell rings, and I slowly walk to my locker, trying to waste as much time as I can.
As I’m walking through the halls, guess who I see? Justin. 

He walks towards me, waving to me.

“Hey Owen!” he says as he approaches me. I ignore him and keep walking. “Hey dude! What’s up?”
I try so hard not to snap at him. What do you mean ‘what’s up’? You took Allison, and you don’t even realise that I’m mad about that!

“Nothing. Just, nothing.” I say, walking past him, and to class.

I walk into class, acting like I’m not late. I casually sit at my desk, and our teacher ignores me, shaking his head, and looking back at the board.

Allison is sitting next to me, but we don’t make any eye contact, or talk to each other.
The class passes by, as soon enough, it’s lunch time. I walk outside and sit against the school. Hearing someone coming towards me, I look up, expecting to see Allison. Instead, I see Kristen.

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