Until the End

21 4 6

Play song when you see this: ~~~

Owen's POV

The time has come. Allison's leaving for NYU, and I'll still be here.

Waiting for her return.

I drag myself out of bed, and force myself into some clothes.  I don't think her parents would appreciate me saying goodbye in my boxers. So I grab the closest thing I can find; sweatpants and a hoodie.

Before I'm even halfway down the stairs, I can hear my mom sobbing at the kitchen table.

"Owen?" She calls. "It...it's time to say your goodbyes. They're leaving now."

Now? That's not enough time! There's so much I need to say to her...


I run down the rest of the stairs and fling open the front door. Allison's dad is putting the last suitcase in their trunk, and Allison's in the back seat with her earphones in.

"Wait!" I shout. I sprint outside and rush to their car. "Permission to say goodbye to her...sir?"

He gives me a sympathetic smile. "Two minutes max."

"Thank you sir." I knock on the window, and Allison looks up. Tears are streaming down her face by the time she's unbuckled her seat belt and come out the car.

"Owen! I---"

I plant a kiss on her lips before she can say anything else. I wipe a tear off of her cheek with my thumb. "Crying doesn't make it any less real."

"But I don't want to leave you!"

"And I don't want you to miss out. Go to NYU. Live out your dreams. Explore the world."

"But what if I forget you?"

I peel off my sweater, completely ignoring the fact that her parents are watching. "Take it. Wear it. Wear it until it's faded. But whatever you do, don't forget me. Promise?"


I kiss her for the last time, give her one last squeeze and watch her get back into the car. Her dad starts the engine, and I stand outside and watch their car until it turns the corner and is out of sight.

Because I have nothing better to do, I put my head in my knees and cry.

I don't even remember the last time I've cried; it's been years. But the reality of her being gone, me never seeing her again, the probability of us falling out, it's just too much to keep inside.

Eventually, my mom tells me to come back inside.

I do.

But I don't come back inside as the same person that went outside.

I come back empty, emotionless and hollow.




R u there yet

No, stuck in traffic

There's something I forgot to tell you before you left

What is it?

I love you.

I love you too.
I also miss you with all my soul, even though I've only been gone for an hour and a half

Me too.

Would it be crazy if I asked my parents to turn around? Just socan see you again

In your parents POV, yes. In my POV...
Absolutely not.

*sends virtual hug*
I love you

*sends virtual kiss*
I love you more than you'll ever know.

Can I say something?

Nope, but you can text it ;)

I just want to say thank you

Ummmm...your welcome?

You didn't let me finish!
Thank you for being such an amazing person. I don't remember what you were like before I hit my head, but I know that I was very important to you. And even though I had no clue who you were, you persevered and won me back. So I thank you...because if you didn't, I don't know what my life would be like.

Sorry. I just kept reading ur text over and over. Do I really make you that happy?

Nope. Words can't explain how happy you make me.

You know you made me cry right?

I'm sorry!

Don't be.

Okay fine.
Sorry not sorry .

That's better.



*imagines sitting on a bench, holding your hand*

*imagines kissing you*

*kisses back*

*caresses your cheek*

Okay that's a bit creepy

Lol I guess it is xD

Crap. Mom's says I have to pack up my stuff, we're almost there

So soon?

We've been talking for 35 mins!



I love you Allison Wildamoor.

And I love you too Owen O'Riley.
And I always will.
Until the end.

Me too.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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