so much for being friends

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Allison's POV

As slowly a possible, I open the front door and sneak my way back inside my house. But before I closed the door all the way, I blew Owen a good night kiss.

"Your home late on a school night. "

I nearly scream when I see my dad emerge from the shadows. "Jeez dad, don't scare me like that!" I whisper-yell at him. "What are you doing up anyways?"

"I'd like to ask you the same question. " He sits on the armrest of the couch, clearly not moving until he gets an answer.

"Dad..." I whine.

"Look. I'll keep this between us if you just tell me where you were. You don't have to tell me what you did, or who you were with. "


"Promise. "

I take a deep breath, and start to take off my shoes. "I was at the park. "

"Doing what, might I ask?"


"Fine. I guess I'll just have to tell your mother, and have her make a huge fuss over something that's probably not that big of a deal..." He makes a show of getting up and slowly walking towards the steps.

"I was with the boy across the street okay?"

"Which boy?"

"Remember when we got invited to a dinner at our neighbor's house? Yeah, that ladies son is known as the boy across the street."

He's nodding, as if he's expecting me to go on. So I do.

"I went out to get some fresh air and writing ideas, and then he was there, and then we just decided to stay and talk for awhile. "

"Just talk?"

"Yes dad, just talk. Now can I plea-"

"No kissing under the street light? No cuddling under the tree?" Even though it's super dark, I can sense his 'ha ha I gotcha' grin.

"Dad, you stalker! How long were you watching me?!?"

"Since the moment you snuck out. You really need to be quieter when leaving the house. "

Oh gosh. If mom ever found out....Not only would she yell at me for sneaking out, but she'd ask me about Owen, and if he was my boyfriend, and if so, what about Justin.....She must never know about this.

Dad must've sensed my stress. "I'll let you off the hook, but just this once okay?"

"OMG THANKS DAD!" I whisper-yell as loud as possible. "I won't do it again. "

Being the happy clam that I am, I skipped all the way up the stairs, not caring that I stubbed my toe twice, and almost fell backwards.

Owen's POV

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I slept in! Why didn't anyone wake me?!?

I roll out of bed, only to come in contact with the cold, hard floor. Fuck. Pretty soon, I'm running around my room like a madman, trying to brush my teeth and get dress all at once.

I know I don't care about school, but after what happened with Allison, I suddenly want to spend every moment of my day with her.

Running out of the room I grab my bag and my phone and run out of the house, ignoring everything else.I run into mom's car and speed away to school.

Until the EndWhere stories live. Discover now