Chapter 1

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***sorry for any typos/grammatical errors, i'm not perfect, but i don't usually have to many****

                                            ^^^Aspen (Sofia Baquerio)^^^

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                                            ^^^Aspen (Sofia Baquerio)^^^

"Aspen! Get up! You don't want to be late for your first day of junior year sweetie!" My mom yelled. Right as she said that, I heard the thumping paws of my dog Beau waiting for me to get up so that he could give me my morning hug. Yes, I trained my dog to give me hugs, everyone should, especially when you don't have anyone else to give you one. Seriously, before I found Beau on my weekly scroll of adoption websites, I was seriously lonely and all I did was read.

"Hey, Bo bo", I said as he jumped up to give me a lick and a hug. And no, I am not that short. Being 5"7' and 130 pounds, I am not exactly small, Beau is an which English Mastiff makes him the perfect size dog for me, and a great cuddle buddy/pillow when your sad.

I went into the bathroom and looked at how bad my hair was today to estimate the amount of time that I was going to need to make myself look presentable. "Not too bad today," I thought looking at the brown mane of wave on the top of my head that I am unfortunate enough to call hair.

My mom and I look nothing alike. She has straight blond hair with blues eyes and a petite figure, while I am the exact opposite with my long brown waves and green eyes. Plus, I am not exactly what you would call petite. I just assume that I look like my dad, but I don't want to ask my mom because I don't want to make her cry like I did in the past.

I threw on a black vee neck and jeans, with my signature burgundy converse and threw my hair into a ponytail and went downstairs to get the only thing that keeps me going, hot chocolate:)

"Hey mom" I said, "what's up?" as I went to make my hot chocolate.

"Hey sweetie, I have to leave for my shift at the hospital and I took on another night shift so I might not see you much today, but don't worry, I am going to take half a shift off in the middle of the day to sleep". I watched as she finished making her coffee and gave her a hug.

"That's ok mom, and I love you, just don't work yourself so hard. I have my job and I get good grades so I should be able to get a scholarship."

"I know that sweetie, I just promised one of the kids in the ward that I would stay the night with them."

"Ok mom, just make sure that you eat, and don't stress too much, I will be fine. Maybe I will see if I can stay at Liv's house."

"Sounds like a plan, just let me know so that I know where you are."

"Ok, bye I gotta start walking so that I am not late for school. Love you."

As I walked out the door, I heard my mom yell back "love you too"

The school wasn't too far from my house so instead of spending my savings on a car, I just walked, plus it gave me time to psyche myself up for school. I knew that people didn't like me, not that I ever gave them a reason to but I just didn't trust people, I mean come on why are kids so cruel. I tried the whole nice thing and that just let people walk all over me and after a few years, I got sick of it, so I stopped letting it and then people stopped talking to me at all because they thought that I was just antisocial... I'm not, I just don't like people using other people.

I just hope that this year is different, but for some reason, I just have a bad feeling. It's probably just me worrying about nothing, but who knows, maybe for once, I am right. You see, when I was younger, I always used to get these feelings that I was different and that that was why I would always see people around me that I had noticed over and over again. But when I would ask my mom about it, she would always get this scared look on her face and then offer to take me to a bookstore, a very useful tactic in distracting me I might add.

As I got older, I just assumed that it must have something to do with my dad or her past. We live in a small town in Montana called Whitefish, but we don't have any family here, or at all really, so it has always been just me and my mom, not that I mind that at all, actually, I wouldn't have it any other way. She is the best mom that you could ever had, sure I never had all of the newest gadgets, but I didn't want any of that, all I wanted was a new book occasionally and my time to read. Thinking back, I was kind of a loner as a kid, but I liked it that way.

My high school, Whitefish High was not that large, but all of the kids in the town went there. It was about ten minutes from my house and I was almost there. I started walking slower, dreading the moment when I walked through the front doors into literal hell. I just hoped that I had some classes with my best friend Olivia.

Just thinking about Olivia could make me smile. She is the polar opposite of me and everything that I do. She is head cheerleader, has had a boyfriend, hates studying in the library after school, not that she'd have time to with cheer practice. Plus, she already knows that she is going to get a cheer scholarship, I mean she is the best out of like seven cities in Montana. Not to mention that she doesn't take anybody's shit and that, try as she might to rub off on me, the only thing that has is sarcasm that only comes in handy when I am talking to her because, well, I freeze up when people bully me and I tend to just take it. I just hope that this year Andrea, Queen Bitch with a k for KRAZY learns that I don't need her shit in my life and will just leave me alone.

That is one thing that Olivia hates, she hates that I don't stand up for myself, but who cares. I only have two more years here and then I am never going to see these buttholios again. And before you ask, yes Olivia does get nasty looks for hanging out with "low levels like me", but like a true friend, she doesn't care. She has tried to convince me for years to try out for the cheer team because I have done it outside of school for years. For me, I hate being with people in school, but when I would get on that field with my old cross country team, it was like I was finally alive.

Then I moved and I stopped all of that because Whitefish doesn't have a recreational cross country team like Asheville did. But this year, I am going to join the cross country team. I had always been good at running, so why not do it at school.  Oh god, I can't tell my mom though because she would be so happy that i am getting involved at school, but if I don't make it I don't want to disappoint her.
Haha Olivia is going to be so proud of me:)

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that I was crossing the street and that I hadn't looked. I heard a horn blare, I saw the lights right in front of me and then everything went black.

*** Geez, it takes a lot to make something that is not even that long:)))Comment below please***

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