Chapter 4

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The long wait is finally over, I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to update, but there has just been some shit going on and I got a concussion, but I promise that from now on, I will try to update more. Comment and Vote if you so please. Also, this has not been checked for errors so point them out as you see them. But don't waste my time if it is an uncapitalized "i" or something. xoxo


Mr. Heilmann took me to his office and asked me to sit on the couch. Suspiciously, I did so, but not without giving him a questioning look before. I mean, what, am I supposed to trust a man that I just met?Yeah no. My mom taught me better than that. Um hello, ever heard of serial killers?!!

He had a look of worry and -oddly enough for a man who seemed so powerful- terror? What could he possibly be afraid of? I was the one who got hit by a car that should have killed me or at least wounded me way more than the couple of pathetic bruises on my hips and legs. I was also the one who was not being allowed to leave this strangers house!! I mean I barely know these people and now I was being expected to be perfectly calm with this situation. And now I have to sit here and wait for my mom to be dragged out of work and expect her to just magically understand this situation? It's not everyday that your only daughter gets hit by a car and then kept captive by her crush's father!!

While I was having my little brain rant, Mr. Heilmann was staring at me quizzically, as though I was a new phenomenon that he was unsure how to deal with. "So.." he says, "you are friends with Lucas?"

"Um,' I stammered, "not really, I mean I have a few classes with him, but ugh, I don't really hang out with his group." Jeez, how do you tell the most popular boy's father that he is cool and people listen to him and that I am just a nerd who sits in the back of class and knows almost all the information? How can you put into words that the main reason people talk to you is so that they can get answers and that you have one friend compared to his dozen. I fiddled with my cuticle while contemplating what to say next. I decide to just cut to the chase and ask him what I want to know.

"Excuse me, sir, but how do you know my mom and why am I still here?"I said tentatively, not wanting to make him upset.

"I think that that is a conversation that you should have with your mom when she gets here"- he said, but was cut off by the woman of the hour. "No need to wait, let's get this party started," she said sarcastically.

My mom and I have an amazing relationship and she and I have always been very close, about everything except one thing. Her life before me, and my father. Of course I know that every parent had a secret life that they can't tell their children, lest they give them ideas. Of course I had questions about my father and her parents but she did a better job of parenting by herself than the mothers who had the father in the picture. 

I looked away from my bitten nails and messed up nail beds to see her and Mr. Heilmann staring silently at each other, both silently communicating with their eyes, as though they were having a conversation that only they could hear. 

After what seemed like five minutes, but the clock on the wall said was only fifteen seconds, mom turned and looked at me. "Let's go for a stroll, honey. We have some things that we need to talk about. I would have rather it be later, but what better time than the present?"

My mom is a beautiful woman, but, unfortunately I did not inherit her kind blue eyes, dimples, and blond hair. When she smiled, I knew that I was the most important thing in the world to her and that she would always be there for me when I needed her.

She held her hand out to me and I took it and raised my mildly sore body out of the chair. I turned around to see Mr. Heilmann staring after us with a kind and gentle grin on his face, as though he knew what was going to happen and was excited for the future to come. 

Mom led me out of the office and down the hallway, like she knew exactly where she was going and she had been here in a previous life. I looked down the opposite end of the hallway to see Lucas standing there with a sullen look on his face. He saw me look his way and quickly mouthed "I'm REALLY sorry, " before he slumped into his father's office. 

I looked away, I didn't want to sympathize with him, I mean not even 24 hours before, he hit me with his car. Technically I walked into the street, but he should have stopped faster. 

I was jolted out of my thoughts by the cold night air as my mom opened the back door onto a lake front porch. "Holy cow!" I said, "their back yard is a lake!" Mom and I are not poor, but we aren't lake-for-a-yard-rich.  Of course, she didn't seem surprised, but gave a terse little nod. The look of anticipation and worry on her normally calm face made me worried about our inevitable conversation. I had a feeling that after she was done, nothing would ever be the same. 

Sorry for the cliche ending, but I needed a stopping point and this was the only way that I could think to get it. Thank you to all my readers, and sorry that it took it so long to update, but my summer was hectic and a lot more stressful than I would have liked, but here is the long awaited fourth chapter. Thankfully, things have calmed down and I am going to try to update more. 

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