Chapter 3: Fire

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Rigel was shocked when he heard that Mintaka was working with Elementman's forces. Mintaka used Rigel's confusion as an advantage and left him in his cell.

However, Aldebaran, who was in another cell, pulled out his red cloak. This red thing got the attention of a guard, who was knocked out by Aldebaran. Aldebaran took the guard's keys and freed Rigel and everyone else. However, when they went outside, Rigel's team ran into a large burning town. Pyron had already achieved his true form.

 Pyron had already achieved his true form

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Pyron was very powerful. He was surrounded by flames covering his hands and shoulders. The fire crystal was on Pyron's forehead. Rigel knew that if they attacked the fire crystal, Pyron would become weaker. Procyon headed for Pyron's head, but was blocked by a wall of flames. Capella used its sound attacks to extinguish the flames, and Gemini took down Pyron, punching him in the face. One of Gemini's sides, Pollux, used his blaster and shot the crystal. Pyron's body turned into flames and retreated. Rigel's team knew that their work in Erif was done, and the next location was in the Planet of Retaw. Hydron, another of Elementman's followers, was going to gain his power from the water there.

Meanwhile, Elementman saw the shattered fire crystal in front of him, and shot a wave of fire at it. The crystal repaired itself from the fire, and Pyron had returned to life. Mintaka then appeared in front of Elementman. He said "Master Elementman, Rigel and his companions have escaped Erif." Elementman said "I know that already, Pyron was just shattered and I had to repair his element crystal!" Mintaka said "I know that they're going to attack Hydron next. What should my Delta Fleet do?" Elementman said "Nothing. The Aquavians of Retaw serve Zodiac, and Procyon and Sirius are enemies of Zodiac. Once Rigel is seen with them, he will be considered a traitor."

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