Stay On Your Toes - ( Santiago Twins , Step Up 3 )

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" Why do you dance ? " I laughed and shrugged my shoulders " I don't know , I guess it's just always been a creative outlet , you know ? If i was bored , excited , angry ... I would dance and put all that energy into it . It's not just a hobby , it's who I am . " I looked back at Luke and his camera " Great , now I sound all sappy and emotional , thanks for that . " He laughed  " You're welcome , now where are you from ? . " " Right here in New York . " He nodded " And last question , how has dance impacted your life ? " I sighed and sat up right on the bench " My Dad kicked me out when I told him I wanted to be a dancer instead of go to college , he said no daughter of his would be a failure with no job or education . He said he didn't want to see me until I had given up dancing and had a proper job ... I haven't seen him since , and that was 5 years ago . Dance is what I'm meant to do , and I'm not giving up yet . " Luke smiled and nodded " Alright , I think we've got it all , thanks Lulu . "

Yep , that's me . Lulu Cruz , my name's actually Lucille but I can't stand that name so everyone calls me Lulu . I'm 24 years old and I'm a dancer in a crew called The Pirates . I stood up from the bench and brushed off my shorts " Hey check it out . " I turned around and saw Luke heading over to some dancers in the park , bumping into two people on the way . I walked faster to catch up , stopping around the circle next to Luke . " You made me rush over to see Kid Darkness show off his non existent talent . " He rolled his eyes and kept filming  " There could be potential Pirates in this crowd , you know we're looking for recruits . " I sighed and nodded  turning to watch some other dancers placing bets . A tall guy with curly hair ended up being pushed to the front and someone called him out " I've got twenty on the skinny kid . "

Kid Darkness turned around and looked at him before dancing . When he finished he walked back over to his crew and waited for Curly to dance . He stepped into the middle of the circle slowly and started by moving his arms and made his way over to a table .  He jumped on it and kept dancing until Kid jumped up , pushing him off the table . By the time Kid had flipped off the table , making the crowd cheer , Curly was all ready on the floor doing some Bboy moves , messing with some flyers on the table behind him . Luke had finally noticed him , and pulled away from the other dancer he was filming ." This kid's pretty good , don't you think ? " He nodded , watching the kid jump off the table and flip his way into a handstand . He got back on his feet , walking backwards and messing with some bubbles floating around . I laughed and nodded my head " Oh yeah , he's good . Can definitely work a crowd . " Luke nodded in agreement , laughing with the rest of the crowd . Curls jumped up onto the bench and started doing push ups and clapping his hands together . He stood up and jumped back , landing on an air tank sending balloons flying everywhere .

The crowd was still cheering and clapping , but I don't think the guy selling balloons is gonna be to happy about this . And I was right , the guy started yelling for the cops to come get him and everybody scattered . Me and Luke ran over and grabbed the kid " Come on man they're after you ! "  We started running through the park , with the cops running right after us . I jumped over bench a , scaring the couple sitting on it " Sorry ! " I called over my shoulder , dodging a couple of skaters infront of us . We slowed down at the top of the ramp and the kid looked at both of us  " Hey timeout man , I can't ! " I looked over his shoulder and saw the cops running towards us " Come on kid ,we gotta  move ! " We kept running till we ended up near a hotdog cart " Wait man , what are you doing ? " Luke looked at us both " Jump first , fear later " He ran to the cart , grabbing the top and flipping through it . The kid looked at him in awe and I rolled my eyes " He always does things the hard way ."

I ran forward , following Lukes lead and flipping through the cart . Unlike Luke , I didn't land on my feet and had to do a cartwheel to stop myself from diving head first into the concrete . I kept running , hoping the kid was behind us . I saw Luke running a block ahead towards the alley . I turned the corner and stopped at the gate where Luke had just stopped . I leaned against the wall , panting from the unplanned workout  " Well this has been a productive day, huh ? " He sighed and nodded "Yeah." We saw the kid coming towards us panting . I smiled and shook my head , turning back to Luke while he unlocked the gate . " Oh my ribcage , I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit . " He stopped to catch his breath while we started walking to the car " Hey , where you going ? Hey , how did you guys do that back there ? I mean you were like flying , you guys are like ninjas ! "  Luke held out his hand " I'm Luke . " He looked at his hand " No , it's like this , you gotta blow it up . " They did a fist pound and he showed Luke how to blow it up .

Luke showed him his hand shake " How's that ? " I laughed " I'm Lulu , nice to meet you . " I held out my fist and we fist pounded " Is that short for something ? " I nodded " Yep , but I'm not telling you . " I winked , making him blush . I laughed and turned around standing next to Luke . " I'm Robert Alexander the third , by the way . But you could just call me Moose . " I raised an eyebrow " Moose ? " Luke and I started pulling off the boxes we use to hide the car " I haven't seen you around before . " " I'm starting at NYU , I'm an engineering major . " I interrupted " But you're gonna be dancing too ? " He shook his head " No , not any more . Dancing was cool in highschool , but it's time for me to face the real world . " Luke looked at him " You really have no idea what you did back there do you ? You're BFAB . " He chuckled " What's a BFAB ? " I smiled " Born From a Boom Box . Some people learn to dance , but others are born to dance . And you're in New York , dancing center of the world ." Luke pulled a World Jam flyer off the wall , handing it to Moose " Check this out , it's the biggest battle ever . There's never been this kind of prize money . The guys in the park , they're preparing for this . You should be in this . "

I nodded " You have what it takes kid and coming from us , that's saying something . " Luke walked around me and pulled the tarp off the car " That's your car ? That's sick ! " I smiled and climbed in the back seat " Then get in , what you saw in the park is just the beginning . "

Stay On Your Toes - ( Santiago Twins , Step Up 3 )Where stories live. Discover now