The Battle at Redhook

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Today was the day , so everybody was tense during practice , but me trying to be nice I  just told them it was nerves , but Carlos has never been someone who handles pressure well , even when we were kids " Jesus Christ Luiza , for once in your life can you stop being so nice , and happy and just shut up ! " I cringed when he used my full name , he only uses it when he's really pissed , but then again he's always in a bad mood , but he's still family . Jason and the twins looked over at me from the other side of the room , trying to see if I needed them there . I shook my head , turning back to Carlos " You know what Carlos , you're my cousin and I love you , but if you want to be crotchety and have a bad attitude , then don't blame me when you end up miserable and alone . "  He still had a sour look on his face , but sighed " Alright , I'm sorry . " I smiled and gave him a hug , it wasn't the best apology , since he doesn't even bother to apologize most times I'll take what I can get . Who knew later on that would come back to bite me in the ass . He shrugged me off quickly , and headed back to his room .

The guys walked over to me " Ok , you are way too forgiving . " I gave Jason a confused look " Huh ? " He nodded , turning to the twins " It's true , isn't she too forgiving with him ? " They looked nervous , not wanting to upset me " It's true ... " I gave all three of them an angry look " Yeah , fine . Maybe I am forgiving , but you would be too if it meant keeping the smallest amount of family you had left together ! " I didn't even realize I was yelling till I saw they're faces . They weren't hurt or anything , just surprised that I could actually yell at someone . I suddenly felt bad " Uh , I .. Sorry guys , I shouldn't be yelling - " Martin interrupted me " Yes you should , it's not a bad thing ! If you're mad then you should show that you're mad . " I laughed and shook my head , letting the conversation end .

Later that day 

Everybody was getting dressed to leave in a couple minutes , but I couldn't find my shirt and Anala just couldn't find anything to wear ( like always , but she hates when I say that ) . I huffed in annoyance , pushing around couch cushions to find my shoes " Looking for something ? " I look up and see Martin standing with my shoes in his hand " You found them ! Where were they ? " He laughed " The freezer . " I gave him a weird look , before remebering what happened " Ooh , that's why I found the ice cube tray in my shoe box ! ' When I went to get my shoes , he held them above his head " Martin ! None of us have time for this ! " He shrugged " I'm ready to leave . "

I gave him an annoyed look , trying to reach my shoes " Ugh , damnit why are you and your brother so tall ! " Honestly I'm not short ,I'm almost 5'8 so I'm pretty tall for a girl , but Anala and the Twins are both up there in the 6' category so I'm only up to their shoulders " Ok lovebirds , stop messing around we leave in 5 minutes . " I rolled my eyes at Facundo and Moose " You two were standing there the whole time and didn't even help me ?! " Thgey just nodded . I stuck my tongue out at them , taking my shoes and leaving . When I got back to our room Anala was still looking for a shirt " Oh for Christ's sake Nala ! I grabbed A pink shirt from my side of the dresser and threw it to her , picking up her jacket and putting that on the bed " Wear that . " She looked surprised " How do you get dressed so fast ? " I shrugged " I mostly wear basics so everything goes together . " Like right now I was wearing dark blue harem pants , a black sports bra , and a gray muscle tank with my black and gold sneakers . I grabbed my black snapback and my phone and walked into the kitchen with everyone to wait .


We got to the warehouse where the other crew was waiting , along with a huge crowd waiting to see everyone dance . We got alot of dirty looks when we got there , since this was the other crews turf , so we obviousley didn't have as many supporters . I threw my bag down next to some wooden crates . I huffed out a nervous breath , standing next to Jason and Vladd " You okay ? "  I shrugged " Doesn't matter , as long as I don't mess up . " Well I hoped I wouldn't mess up ... I had a bad feeling that I just couldn't shake . It was like I knew something bad was gonna happen . I shook my head , pushing away those thoughts , listening to the judge ( wearing an eyepatch ? ) who came forward banging his cane on the floor of the warehouse " Are you ready for a batlle ?! " The crowd roared back an answer  " Redhook, are you ready ? "  They beat on their chests and practically growled at us ... " Pirates, are you ready ?"  We all nodded , hopping on our feet , getting ready .

The judge moved out of the way , the other dancers tried intimidating us growling like animals (which looked really weird and creepy in my opinion )  , and Carlos walked up and drew a line in the dust with his foot . The music started and Redhook came forward , slinking around the floor . One of them threw a hat at us , and I caught it and threw it back , rolling my eyes . They all moved closer , two dancers coming forward doing handstands , they all clapped spreading dust everywhere , and as they finished , they lifted up one of the guys , and he spit dust everywhere . 

The music changed and we stepped up in a big pack  . Me , Jason , Anala , and the Ticks moved forward , and crouched down as Jason did his own part . We all came together , doing a group part with Nala in front . We kept dancing in formation when it was time for the guys to hold me up . I mentally groaned , leaning forward as they lifted me . I held my fist out in a Superman pose , before being lifted up and balancing on my toes . I arched my back before dropping down for the twins to catch me . I clenched my eyes tight until I felt my feet firmly on the floor . I opened them and gave the guys both a quick pat on the back while Redhook came forward again .


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