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*Authors note this cover isn't permanent I'm getting one made."


Most people think that my family is perfect. My dad owns a big corporation in London. He’s always at work, earning money for our family. My mom has anything she wants or needs, she holds tons of parties in our house. My brother, Jeydon, he’s just your average fuck boy. It’s what’s expected of him. Mom is okay with all of this, except that my dad isn’t really at work he’s somewhere screwing some slut, my brothers locked up in his room smoking pot with his friends. My mom deals with all of this by drinking. All of this is the reason we’re moving from London, England, to Kansas U.S.A. My mom says it’s for change, but I know it’s to get away from our problems. I also know that it won’t work. My dad will find new women, my brother will get more pot, and my mom will buy more booze. I don’t see how moving will help at all. If anything it’ll make everything worse, running away from our problems, like rats. But there’s nothing I can do about it now, we’re leaving tomorrow on a plane. Everything we can take with us is packed in suitcases. We are leaving a lot here, all of the stuff that’s too big to fit in a suitcase. It’s not like anyone will miss me here though, I only had two friends here, and they both we’re fake. They only hung out with me for my money.

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