Chapter 1

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"Mooooom! Hannah won't let me have the tv!" Shouted my little sister, Ali. I was watching Beauty and the Beast for the 100th time. As you probably guessed it, my name is Hannah, I'm 16 years old, the oldest out of 3.

I am a total, complete Disney freak. I have been as long as I could remember. My mom always has told me that I wouldn't watch any movies at all until Beauty and the Beast came out. My little sister, Ali and my little brother, Grayson never appreciated Disney like I did.

"Ali! I said you could have it after Beauty and the Beast gets done!" I said in a loud voice. I was at the part where Belle goes to the West Wing and she shouldn't have been.

My brother walked in the room, "Stop yelling! Some people are trying to play Minecraft!" He shouts at us. I never really understood Minecraft at all and have not interest in it either.

"Go back and play your stupid game," I hiss at him. "I'm trying to watch a movie!"

"Well all I want is to watch Sophia the First!" Shouts my sister who is 6 years old.

Our mom came racing down the stairs with the phone pressed to her chest, "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU! I am on the phone!" She yells at us. Then goes back upstairs

Ali, Grayson, and I just stared at each other for a bit. I motioned to them to go upstairs so we can listen to her conversation. We all creeped upstairs and pressed our ears to the door of her bedroom.

"Sorry about that... No, no! You're fine!...Yes... You have no idea!...Really?!?!....Thank you so much Madie! A vacation is most definitely what this family needs!" Mom said. Madie is her boss where she works at.

"Uh-oh." Whispered Ali.

Grayson and I were doing our happy dance. VACATION!!

"We should go to Legoland!" Grayson says.

"No!" Shouted Ali and I at the same time.

"We should go to Disney World!" I shouted. Mom came out of her room.

"You know what Hannah, that sounds like a great idea! We are going to Disney World!" She exclaimed.

"Really?! We're going to Disney World??!!" I said with joy on my face. I couldn't believe it! We are going to Disney World! I have been 4 times before and it gets better and better every time! I ran to my room and started to pack all my Disney shirts, my Disney ears, my trading pins, everything that's Disney I grabbed and put it in my Disney suitcase I got for my sweet 16 when we went to Disney! We lived in Florida but in Miami which was still far but I still can't believe we get to go to Disney!

I going to the most magical place on earth again! I can't wait!

Please comment on how you like the story so far so I will know if I should continue or not!



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