Chapter 3

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"So where are you from?" He asked me 

I raised my eyebrow at him. "What?" He said

"How do I know you are not a cereal killer?" I asked, "I don't know if I can trust you...."

I, Logan Michael Williams, promise you I am not a cereal killer of any kind. I have a clean record and feel free to look it up." He said. He was almost strange as I was.

"Fine, I live in Miami." I told him. "What about you?"

"He gasps, "How do I know you are not a cereal killer??" He mocked me. I punched his arm playfully and laughed.

"Fine, I Hannah Marie Frazer promise you that I am not a cereal killer. Now where do you live?" I asked him back. 

"No where right now... My dad is looking for a house in Florida and I begged him to let us stay a week in Disney while he looked for a house." He exclaimed. I gasped

"So you wanted to come here.. not your sister?" I asked him

He smiled. "She kinda protested about it, I know its silly but I love everything about Disney ever made and for most guys they like sports and video games but..."

He couldn't finish his sentence because I gave him the biggest hug in the history of hugs. I was hugging a flipping stranger! A stranger was hugging me back! I felt myself blush more than ever before.

"I'm so sorry. It's just.. you.. UGH! Sorry!" I panicked 

He smiled, "It's what?" He asked me

"I've never met a guy my age who likes Disney.. and.. it's stupid.. never mind." I said embarrassed by this.

"Tell me!" He exclaimed, grinning

"I promised myself that when I was older I would marry a guy who loved Disney just like me." He laughed. "Hey! I was seven! Don't judge me! So if you have any friends who love Disney let me know." 

He laughed some more. Then we were there! The Magic Kingdom!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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