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In five days, every single living cell on planet Earth will be dead.

You have one chance, Mark Fischbach.


I woke up the very next morning feeling just as energetic and proud as I had yesterday morning. Yesterday was a really good day because, even though I didn't want to admit it to myself at the time, it was nice to take a day off work and just celebrate my achievements with my fellow coworkers.
But now that today was a new day, it was time for me to get back to work. I still had a long life ahead of me and I wanted to use all that time that I had to try and change the world for the better once more.

"Penny?" I knocked on my daughter's door, hoping that today wasn't a day where she had slept in, whether she had done so intentionally or not.
"Yes Daddy?"
I silently let out a sigh of relief. "Can I come in?"
A small smile formed in my face as I turned the doorknob and slowly opened the door before stepping inside.
"Daddy, can you help me pick out what to wear for school?"
"Of course." I went over to her closet and picked out the first outfit that I laid eyes on because I was kinda in a rush to get to work so that I could figure out a new project to work on.
"But Daddy, I just wore that last week!"
I sighed as I put the outfit back in her closet and began searching through her clothes until I found something that I knew that she hadn't worn in a very, very long time.
"It's perfect!" Penny cried in excitement as she took the hanger that the outfit was hanging on.
I smiled. "I'm glad you like it. Now, do you know where your mother is? I'd like to see her before I head off to work."
"Oh, Mom's in the bath." Penny replied as she placed the outfit I had picked out for her on her bed.
"Okay, thank you sweetie." I planted a kiss on her forehead and ruffled her hair. "You have a good day at school today, okay? I'll see you later today when I get home from work."
"Okay Daddy." Penny hugged me tightly and I hugged her back, gently rubbing her back as I did so. "See you then."

"You know, the phone's been ringing for you all morning." Amy said to me as I entered the bathroom after she gave me permission to come inside. "It must be important."
"Really?" I asked her, confused as to why I hadn't heard the phone ringing in the kitchen. It wasn't like the ringing was super quiet. But, then again, it wasn't super loud either. "Well, I guess I'll answer a call if whoever's been calling happens to call again."
Amy nodded as she ran a hand through her wet hair.
"I'll see you tonight when I get home." I bent down and she leaned up slightly so that she could press her lips to mine. We kissed for a few moments before I pulled away.
"Have a good day today." I gave her a smile as I turned and walked back over to the door.
"You too honey." She smiled back at me as I opened the door. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Don't spend too long in there. You still gotta take Penny to school." I winked at her before stepping out into the hallway and closing the door behind me.

I went out to the kitchen expecting to hear the phone ringing as I did so. However, the kitchen was filled with silence, something that wasn't usually the case when it wasn't the weekend because Amy would usually be in there packing Penny's lunch for school. Nonetheless, I walked over to the phone and saw that I had ten missed calls from the same number. When I saw what number had been trying to get ahold of me, I knew exactly who it was.
It was Jim.
"Why the hell would he be calling me?" I asked myself quietly as I adjusted my lab coat before heading towards the front door, deciding it would be best to talk to him in person rather than attempt to call him back.

As I stepped outside, I looked down and saw that the morning paper had already arrived. I walked over to my mailbox where it was laying in wait for someone to pick it up.
When I read the title of the article on the front page, my heart sank down into my stomach.

Cure "Deadly"

My heart sank even further down into my stomach as I read the contents of the article.

One Chance {Markiplier Fanfiction/One Chance Novelization}Where stories live. Discover now