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In two days, every single living cell on planet Earth will be dead.

You have one chance, Mark Fischbach.


I didn't get any sleep last night.

I kept having flashbacks of my past and I kept seeing that horrible vision of the bloody knife.
I almost felt a sense of relief when I looked over at the alarm clock and saw that it was time for me to get ready for work.
I had to go into work today. I had this feeling deep inside of me that I had to go to work, no matter if Amy and Penny protested me doing so.
I had to go to work.

As I sat up in bed and let out a yawn, I looked over and saw that Amy and Penny were sleeping together. Penny must've had a nightmare sometime during the middle of the night and asked if she could sleep with Amy and me. I really don't know why I don't remember this happening . Perhaps that it was because my mind was too preoccupied with all the flashbacks and the haunting vision to focus on what was happening in reality.

Nonetheless, I gently placed a kiss on both my wife's and my daughter's forehead before I forced myself to get out of bed and drag my exhausted body to the closet. I slowly and carefully opened the closet doors so that they wouldn't let out a loud creaking and run the risk of waking Amy and/or Penny. I then searched through my clothes until I found my work uniform. Once I found it, I took it off of the hangers and began walking to the bathroom in order to get dressed.


After I finished getting ready for work, I left the house and was immediately blinded by the sunlight. I closed the front door behind me and stood on the porch as I allowed my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight. After a few moments passed and my eyes had become fully adjusted to the sunlight and to being outside, I could clearly see that the Earth had changed so much over these past few days. The grass had turned brown and many plants and trees had died. I looked up at the sky and saw that it wasn't a bright blue color like it would've been on a clear sunny day. Instead of a bright blue color, the sky was a gray color. The only source of bright color came from the sun, which somehow managed to shine brightly, despite Earth's deteriorating state.

I found myself looking for the morning newspaper, only to discover that it was nowhere to be found. After a few moments of searching the entire yard for the paper with no success, I came to the conclusion that there was no morning paper at all. After coming to that conclusion, I pulled my car keys out of my pocket before unlocking my car and opening the door. I sighed as I sat in the driver's seat before closing the door behind me and buckling in my seat belt. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I started my car, trying to prepare myself for whatever awaited me when I arrived at work.


As I was driving to work, I took notice of how I was the only person who was actually out driving. Normally, I would feel relaxed by this since I usually enjoyed being the only person out driving while I was on my way to work. But now, since the Earth is dying, I felt a sense of dread and even depressed when I saw that I was the only person out driving. Seeing one person walking around outside did absolutely nothing to assuage the sense of dread and the feeling of depression that I had.

When I arrived at work, I parked in my reserved parking spot and took my time getting out of my car and walking to the building. As I was walking to the building, I prayed for the first time in a very, very long time. I wasn't exactly someone who was religious or someone who felt comfort whenever they would pray. But, nonetheless, I prayed to a higher power that I didn't even know if I actually believed in or not that I would see my boss or at least one of my co-workers when I entered the building.

One Chance {Markiplier Fanfiction/One Chance Novelization}Where stories live. Discover now