Chapter 23

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Jakob looks me into the eyes and I stair back into his taking in everything about him, his perfect cheek bones, amazing jaw line, the way his hair looks perfect even though he doesn't try, just everything.
"So I need to tell you something" he says and I snap out of my trance
"Yeah" I say waiting for him to continue, I'm nervous for what his going to say because I don't know if there going to be good or bad, he could be saying that he doesn't want to date or even be friends anymore or he could say that he wants to be with me, I'm not sure if I should be excited or nervous for this news.
"I want to be with you, a lot. I want to be the one who helps you through hard times, to hold you when you upset, to get to hug and kiss you when ever I want, to make amazing memories with, to take on dates and take adorable photos with, to be able to call you my girlfriend, will you be my perfect girlfriend?" He asks me, did he just brake up with Mackenzie? I don't really care at the moment I'm just happy that he said all of that
"Yes Jakob, of course I'll be your girlfriend"I hug him as tight as possible
"Well thank god I pulled out my phone" Ethan says and we look over to him to see him recording us
"Send to me" jake and I say in unison and we laugh, he leans in and kisses me in the lips
"I love you" he says, some people will think this is weird and untrue for us to say I love you in the first day of dating, but Jakob and I have had a thing for ages, I know I love him
"I love you too jake" I hug him not wanting to let him go
"Okay I'm going to let you guys have some privacy, text me later congrats guys" Ethan tells us grabbing his things and walking towards the door
"Thank you, I'll text you" I say and he leaves
"I really really love you" he says kissing me in the neck in between every word he says
"I love you more jake, I have for a while now" he stops kissing me and looks at me
"I'm really glad your with me, I'm not going to hurt you like Chris did" he tells me
I'm really happy that I'm with Jakob, yes I know I moved on too fast, very fast but if I'm happy I'm happy thats all that matters.
We sit down on the lounge and I cuddle up to Jakob, I watch some the show that's playing in tv but I see Jakob not watching it, I see him watching me
"Are you gunna watch the TV or are you going to continue staring at me?" I smirk at him
"I'm good looking at you" she winks
I lean up and kiss him, it started as a innocent kiss but gets more heated as continue,heats me down and gets on top of me not braking the kiss, his lips move together with mine like they where made for each other, his hands travel to my ass and mine tug at his hair.
He pulls away and looks at me
"I don't want to go any further" he tells me
"Okay that's fine I understand" I tell him, we stay in the same position as we are in
"I just don't want you thinking I only want you for sex or your body" he tells me
"I know you don't, I know you love me for me" I tell him and he smiles
"I love everything about you, your beautiful, smart, cute, funny, amazing, perfect" he smiles
"Thank you jake" I lean up and kiss him bringing him down with me,he moves his lips to my neck and starts to suck, a few minutes after he comes up and smirks
"You left a hickey didn't you" I ask him smirking
"Yep" he says
"Pay back" I say flipping up over so I'm on top kissing his neck and grinding on him causing him to get a boner and he moans.

🙈--not writing smut, you know what                     happened--🙈

Puffing and panting I climb off Jakob and lay next to him, I stare at him and he stares back at me. It's like time stops when I'm with Jakob, nothing to worry about nothing to stress about it's just me, jake and our relationship.
"That was great" I tell him
"That was the best" he kisses my head
"The best for me probably not the best for you I'm not even good" I tell him
"No babe that was the best i've ever had, I promise" he hugs me tighter
"Well thank you" I snuggle into him
"No babe, thank you" he kisses my head
I close my eyes and listen to jakobs heart beat, it's so weird how your whole life can change in a day, yesterday I was in love with chris, talking about our future together and agreed to move in together. Now I'm dating Jakob happier than I've been I weeks.
Jakobs everything I've ever wanted, his smart, kind, sweet, hot, amazing, perfect. I really do love him, I have to admit I'm scared to go back to school in two days, holidays have been great but now it's time to go back to hell. I don't have Taliyah anymore I only have Jakob and Ethan, I lost Chris and Taliyah but to be honest I don't care, I've never had a lot of friends but I'm fine with it, I'll rather have 2 best friends than a group of fake friends.
Soon enough all my thinking put me asleep next to my wonderful loving boyfriend.

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