Chapter 25

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I wake up wanting to get out of chris' arms but yet I don't want to, I hate being in this situation. I slide out of his arms and out of the blankets and start walking to the bathroom.
"Come back, come cuddle" Chris says to me causing to stop
"Chris we're just friends remember" I say and continue to walk into the bathroom, I brush my teeth and do my hair then I walk out seeing Chris still asleep on my bed.
I run up to him and jump on top on him trying to wake him up
"Ughh let me sleep" he wines
"Noooo" I laugh
"Ugh fine" he slowly sits up
"I don't think I've ever loved someone's morning voice so much" I tell him
"Well I can go back to sleep so you can hear it more later" he says laying back down
"No chris" I laugh
"Ugh" he says
"What do you wanna do today?" I ask him
"Well it's the last day of holidays and I've only been to the beach once so you wanna go?" He asks me
"Yeah sure" I smile
"Manly or Bondi?" He asks me
"Um bondi" I say and he nods
"I'm going to get changed" I say and walk over to pick out some swimmers and clothes.
Once I pick out my outfit I walk over to the bathroom to get dressed, I realise it isn't tied up at the back and I cannot do it myself I need Chris to do it
"Hey Chris" I say walking into the room holding my swimmers around me
"Yeah?" He replies
"Can you tie these up?" I ask and he nods getting out of the bed
He moves my hair out of the way and starts tying it up in a bow, once he is finishes he puts his hands on my waist and I can hear him breathing
"Uh Chris" I say about to turn around to face him but he attaches my neck with his lips
"Chris" I say trying to stop him but it comes out as a moan, a few seconds later I stop him
"Chris stop" I step away
"Sorry I just really wanted to do that all night" he admits
"It's okay but I don't know what I want just yet so just friends for now okay?" I tell him
"Yeah of course, whatever you want I want" he smiles and I smile back at him
He goes to get dressed and that gives me time to think, I like Chris of course I do but there's something that feels wrong when I'm with him. I'm scared that I'll just get hurt again, I trust Chris that he won't hurt me but he said that before and he lost his temper and went off at me, but even Jakob physically hurt me and didn't care that hurts more. Chris was there for me through all of it which I love and I'm thankful for.
I look over on my bedside table to see a familiar little box, I go over and open it.
🌸 Flashback 🌸
He pulls away from the kiss and smiles at me pulling out a box from his jacket
"Chris wh-" he cuts me off
"I brought this the second or third day we where apart, I know that we are too young to get married but Summer will you wear this promise ring in token of my love?" He asks me, by this time I'm crying of happiness
"Yes, yes of course I will" I hug his tightly
"I missed you" I whisper in his ear
"I missed you more" he replies

The memories flood back, not the sad ones but the happy ones. How he asked me to move in with him, the promise ring, each kiss, each time we said we loved each other, each time we made love, everything we have ever done. I made a promise that I will love him forever and I'm not planning on braking that anytime soon, I pull the ring out of the box and put it on my finger
"I love him" I whisper to myself
"What was that?" Chris asks walking into the room
I don't reply I just turn around and look at my finger
"Oh I put that there last night incase you wanted it or wanted to chuck it out or something" he tells me
"Chris I'll never chuck it out,I made a promise to you, I promised that I will love you forever and I'm not planning on braking that, I want you to know that I still love you but I want this time for us to go slow and get back into a relationship in our own time...well if you still want to get back into a relationship again" I say
"Of course I want to get back into a relationship Sum, I love you and when your ready to get back together I'll be here waiting for you" he says and I walk up to him
"Thank You" I hug him and he hugs me back
"It's okay beautiful" he says and I hug him tighter not wanting to let go
"I love you" Chris says
"you too Chris" I reply and he smiles
"Lets go" I say and we walk out the door
We hop into chris' car and we start driving to the beach, he places his hand on my thigh, I know I should stop him but it's not like his kissing me...right?
We pull up at a maccas and get some breakfast, we are sitting in a booth eating our food in silence
"Jakobs a dickhead" he says out of the blue
"I know but what did he do now?" I say, he doesn't reply he just shows me his phone
I see multiple texts from Jakob and Chris, I scroll down reading them all
( Chris Jakob )
Fucking hell bro just leave her and continue being friends with me hey? We have been friends for years and a slut shouldn't stop that

Mate she isn't a slut, she's beautiful and amazing...just because you don't like her doesn't mean I should ditch her and be friends with you, she means too much to me to do that.

Whatever fuckwit... she's not even good in bed so your missing out.

It all isn't about sex okay, and FYI she's great.

Mate I've fucked her remember, and I had to pull the old 'that was the best ever' thing because she was so shit.

Shut the fuck up jakob, I don't care about you I only care about her if you want to say shit about her I'll smash you...again

Ha again... I'll like to see you try fuckwit

I read them in shock, why is Jakob being such a dickhead?? I don't know why but I'm over him.
"Sorry" i say and he gives me a confused look
"Why are you sorry?" He asks me
"Because of me you lost your best friend" I say
"You mean to much to me, I will pick you over anyone" he says and I feel myself blush
"Aww someone's blushing" he tickles my sides
"No stoppp" I say laughing
"Only if you kiss me" he stops and looks into my eyes
I kiss his cheek quickly and he pouts
"That isn't a kiss" he wines
"Yes it is, you didn't say where" I smile
"Yeah yeah" he says and continue eating his food.
When we finish our food we start driving to the beach, we arrive around 10 minutes later.
"There's so many people" Chris says as we get out of the car
"I know aye" I look around to look at all the people
"Will still be good" he says and we start walking down to find a spot to sit, we sit down and I take my shirt off to put sunscreen on my shoulders
"Chris can you do my back?" I ask him
"Yeah sure" he gets up and grabs the sunscreen
He runs the sunscreen into my back and shoulders and rests his hands on my waist
"I really want to kiss you right now" he says softly
"Not yet" i reply and I look at him
"Yet?" He questions
"Yet" I repeat and he smiles
"Do you wanna go out?" He asks me and I give him a questionable look
"What?" I say
"To the water" he says and I laugh
"Oh right yeah let's go" I stand up and walk to the water
"It's so cold" I say as I step into the water
"It's not that bad, here jump" he says and I jump into his back, he starts walking out getting deeper and deeper.
"Chris this is so cold" I say and he drops me into the water
"Chris!! Why did you do that I'm cold" I say and the water is chest deep
"It gets better" he laughs and I shiver
"Doesn't feel like it" I laugh so does he.
After a while the water warms up and we start swimming around having fun.
I look over to Chris diving under the waves, he doesn't know it but he is actually perfect in every way. Everything I have is trying to stop me from just dating him again but I don't want to be one of those people who date one person than another than back to that one 100 times, I knew one of those girls at school a few years ago it it was so annoying for everyone. I do like everything about him, his hair, body, eyes, personality, just everything.
"Summer you listening" he says snapping me out of my thoughts
"Sorry I was distracted" I say
"Yeah I know you have been staring at me for like 5 minutes" he says and I blush
"Sorry" I say
"Don't worry I've been staring at you too" he admits and I giggle
"Do you wanna go up and tan?" He asks me and I nod
We walk up to our towels and lay down on our stomach, I can already feel the sun burning my back.
"It's burning meee" he says dragging out the 'e'
"That's the point" I laugh
"I'm already tan I don't need to burn even more" he laughs
"Well I'm white" I laugh
"No your beautiful just the way you are" he tells me
"Quoting Bruno mars are you?" I say
"I didn't even realise, maybe because I'm as great of a singer as him" he says
"Chris!" I say
"What's wrong?" He says quickly
"I missed your X factor performance!" I say
"It wasn't that good, I sung she's kinda hot by 5sos" he says
"I feel bad I didn't watch, or even come" I say
"It's okay, there's always next Tuesday" he says and I smile
"And grand final cause your gunna win" I say
"I'm not that good but hopefully" he says and I nod
"Your really good babe, believe in yourself" I say and he smiles widely
"Why are you smiling so big" I giggle
"You just called me babe" he says, I didn't even know I called him that I'm just used to calling him that.
"Sorry I didn't me-" he cuts me off
"Don't be sorry I like it" he says and then something hits me, I don't want to date him because I don't want people to think of me as a slut...what people though? I don't have anyone other than Chris so it doesn't matter what strangers think of me.
"Chris" I say
"I know you only want to be friends, I'll stop" he looks down
"Yes" I say
"What?" He questions
"Yes" I repeat
A/N another cliffhanger for you all...hope you like ONLY updating if I get comments AND votes
•••••••••••••••1981 words :)) •••••••••••••••••

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