part 2- Mum's Calling

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It was 4PM.I fed my dog,Shasha and while I was helping dad wash the plates my cell phone rang.

It was mum calling me.


"Hey,Amelia,how are you?Is everything fine?"she asked eagerly.

"Yes,everything's perfectly fine,why wouldn't it be?"I answered sarcastically,even though I was about to break out at this very moment and start screaming that nothing was and never will be fine.

However I prefer not to let her in on my thoughts and my feelings.She never even made a slight effort to understand me,always acted like nothing serious is going on,and this situation is getting on my nerves lately!

"Oh ok...Can I talk with your dad?"

"Yeah wait a sec"

I went to the kitchen again.My father saw the look on my face and stopped smiling to me as I approached closer,instead he frowned...

On the one hand I was happy to see that he is able to understand my feelings even if I don't have to talk to him about them,but on the other hand I am so afraid of him leaving again.

I actually have a good time with him.We have long conversations.I tell him about school and about my dreams and he is always willing to listen to what I've got to say,and he supports me.I still don't feel ready to tell him I love him,I still don't even dare to ask him why he abandoned us in the first place,but I appreciate the fact that he won't judge me like my step-father,his daughter,Alice and my mum always do.

My mum got maried with Will when I was 8.When I first met him I liked him because I was little and he would buy me presents and staff like that,but he never tried to get closer with me and this is obvious.

His daughter Alice is 17,one year older than me,she is a cheerleader and she has the perfect body and face but she is SO mean to everyone,including me,my mum and her dad.I still don't understand why bur my mum always tried to make me be like her,but 'sorry I can't be perfect' and I really don't think that Alice is a role-model.She's fake.

Plus,since the very first day I met her she made my life difficult.

If it hadn't been for my grandpa,my mum's father I would have given up,but unfortunatelly,he passed away two years ago.He is still my favourite person and I will never,ever forget him.He really loved me and always told me to be myself,no matter what. Although he was old he wasn't miserable and narrow minded like most of the elderly are in this little town I'm stuck in.

I lethargically went back to the kitchen and sat to the chair.From the phone I could hear my mum yelling to my dad:

"You aren't enough for Amelia,how do we know that you won't run away again?I don't fucking trust you,you turned her against us"

My dad started laughing,the guy is awesome.I admire him for being able to keep his temper.

He told her politely "Stop talking Emily,Amelia chose to come and live with me,and of course I wouldn't close the door to my daughter.After all,from what I could see these past four years that I spent time with her she felt depressed being around your new family.Don't you want our daughter to be happy?"

Then she yelled something again and hung up.

My dad started laughing awkardly again,because he wanted to make me feel better.

He gave me my phone and he kissed my forehead

"Don't be afraid my little girl,you're not getting back there."

"Thank you"I replyed with my voice shaking.

I tried to change the subject

"I want to help you with painting my new room and cleaning up the house!"

"No,I don't want you to help me.Oh,I forgot.Riley came here when you were taking a shower and she wants you to meet up at the park at 7.Go get ready beautiful"

"Okay!What time do you want me to get back home?"

"Be here at 10:30 the later.You have school tomorrow!"


Alright,I know that the story isn't perfect but I want you to point out my flaws,feel free to vote,comment,and follow <3 action coming soon!

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