Chapter 1: Care Taking

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• First off, I would like to dedicate this story to MyPolo ! You have inspired me to write a Sherri Polo fanfic, so thank you for your amazing stories!

Teri's POV

Why did I have to get sick today of all days? I have plans to go out for lunch to a very nice restaurant with Sherri today, since it is our day off after all, but I woke up with the flu. I tried to just push through it and go get ready, but the room felt like it was spinning as soon as I stood up.
I grabbed my phone to send a text to Sherri to let her know what was going on.

Teri: Hey, my love. I am so sorry but I'm going to have to reschedule our lunch today. I woke up with the flu, and I'm feeling pretty rough. I'm so sorry again, I was really looking forward to seeing you today. xo

While waiting for her response, I could feel my eyes getting heavy once again. I took a Tylenol to keep my fever down and laid back in bed. I just saw Sherri yesterday, but I already miss her too much.


Sherri's POV

While drinking my morning cup of coffee, I read Teri's text. I can't believe my love is sick. I know that Bailey and Griffin would already be off to school, so she is going to need someone to take care of her. Her being the stubborn woman that she is, if I tell her I'm coming to take care of her she'll say that she's fine, not wanting to be a burden. I decide to just surprise her, she did give me a spare house key after all. I quickly finish my last few sips of coffee, and go get dressed for the day.
I knock on Teri's door first, but when she doesn't answer right away I figure she must be sleeping. I grabbed the spare key out of my purse and let myself in. When I walked in, there was no immediate sign of Teri, but I could hear her TV playing from her bedroom. I walked through Teri's bedroom door and saw my her asleep, all curled up under the covers. Smiling at this beautiful sight before me, I walk across her room to her side of bed. She looks so cute asleep, with her quiet snores and her arms bent up beside her face. I bent down slowly and lightly kissed her forehead. I could feel her stir and she barely opened her eyes.
"Hi, my love." I whispered while gently rubbing her left cheek.
There was an immediate, sleepy smile on her face.
"Sherri?" She let out a little sleepy sounding laugh. "What are you doing here love?"
I sat down on the side of the bed.
"Well, I knew you weren't up to go out today, but I didn't want you to be at home all by yourself. So I thought I'd drop by and take care of you." I even brought ingredients to make your favourite soup! No promises that my cooking won't make you worse though..."
She giggled, and that beautiful smile that lights up my world remained across her face.
"Love, this is so sweet. You really didn't have to go through all of this trouble though, seriously you don't have to.."
"No no, stop right there, Polo. I don't care what you say, I'm already here and I'm going to take care of you."
"Hmm, well if you insist!"
She shrugs her shoulders and bites her lip. I felt a shiver rush through me.
She sits up in bed, moving closer to me and links her fingers with mine,
"Seriously though, thank you so much for doing this, love. You always take such great care of me."
"Hey, you never have to thank me! I'd do anything for know that."
We both smile shyly at one another.
What the hell happening? These butterflies. I feel like a giddy little teenager again.
"Alright, well make yourself at home sweets, I'm just gonna use the washroom."
Teri said as she slowly unlinked her fingers from mine and began to stand up.
Before she got out of my reach, something came over me. I don't know where this is coming from, but I grabbed Teri's hand and gently pulled her to face me once again.
She looks at me a bit confused and says,
I don't reply with anything, but I stand up and start walking towards her slowly.
She looks so beautiful, even while sick. With a cute messy bun on the top of her head and no makeup on, Teri is the most flawless, natural woman I have ever seen.
She takes me breath away every time I see her, and this time is no different.
I feel myself bringing my right hand up towards her face, letting my thumb graze against her bottom lip.
What the fuck am I doing?
I look up into her captivating blue eyes, looking for a reaction to what was happening. I don't even know exactly what is happening. All I know is that my desire is taking over any rational thoughts I once had.
Teri held on to my hand that's against her lip, stroking my skin softly, sending tingles right down to my toes.
Teri then looked up into my eyes and nodded very slightly. It was almost as if she was non-verbally giving me permission to do what I have wanted to do since I first laid eyes on her.

Teri's POV
I feel as if this entire moment is a dream. From the first day I met Sherri at the chemistry read, I knew she was someone special. I was never one to believe in love at first sight, but Sherri could make me believe in anything possible. As our friendship blossomed through the years, so did my feelings for her. My feelings became harder to push away, to ignore. I love this woman. I love her with everything in me, and I've pictured this exact moment everyday.
I'm frozen in my thoughts as Sherri moves her hand from my lip to the nape of my neck and pulls me in closer to her. I immediately place my hands on her hips and move our bodies against each other.
When our lips finally connect, I have never felt more alive...a fire ignites within me.
We begin to move our lips in a perfect rhythm, more passionate than ever. Sherri's quiet moans and the feeling of her warm lips pressed against mine surrounded me. As our tongues joined and our hands roamed, I never wanted this moment to end.
Slowly, we felt ourselves pull away for air at the same time and lean our foreheads against each other.
Breathing in and out fast, I whispered,
"I was afraid...I was afraid I was going to wake up and realize that none of this was real."
Sherri moved her forehead from mine, she placed her finger under my chin and raised my head so I could look her in the eyes.
"Hey, listen to me. It's real, baby. It's real for me."

I hope you all liked this chapter! I know my writing is not perfect, but I am definitely working on it :) Reviews are always appreciated!

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