Chapter 5: Sexual Tension

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Teri's POV
After several glasses of red wine, Sherri and I had moved even closer together on the small couch in a rather crowded room.
We had gone out for dinner first, making sure we got some food into us, before going to the D'Vine Lounge Bar in downtown L.A. Sherri insisted that she would drive us this evening, but I convinced her that we would take an Uber. This night is extremely special, and I wanted her to be able to really enjoy herself and feel completely relaxed.
Dinner was incredible, not just the food, but we were both so chatty the entire time so it made our first official date flow really well.
If someone asked me a year ago if I thought I would be sitting in a wine bar with the most beautiful woman ever practically sitting on my lap, kissing on my neck... I would have told you that you're crazy.
But that was exactly what was happening. The alcohol in our veins and our pure desire for one another was allowing us to let go, right in the middle of the bar. And it was creating the most incredible sensation in my middle as the sexual tension between us was insane.
"What do you think?... Isn't it about time we get out of here?"
Sherri sexily whispered, while running the tips of her fingers up the side of my arm, creating goosebumps as she went.
Glancing over to her passion filled eyes,
"I'll go get the tab."
Was the only thing I could say as we both downed the remaining wine left in our glasses and parted momentarily.
Sherri bought our dinner, even though I begged to treat her, so picking up the bill here is the least I can do.
I went up to the bar to square up our tab, and then walked outside of the restaurant to find Sherri leaning her back against the brick wall, with one of her stilettoed shoes pressed against it. Her head was against the wall, angled enough to look me right in the eyes and wink. I was completely mesmerized as I've never felt so attracted to anybody ever in my life.
I'll tell you right now... if we didn't get home as fast as we did, I would of fucked her right there.

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