Chapter 2: Heal

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Teri's POV
"I'm just so relieved that we got through shooting that scene. I hated every second of it."
Sherri whispered to me, her voice sounding shaky. I lightly grabbed her hand, linking our fingers together. We had decided to get away for a bit, and take a much needed walk along the beach. As soon as the cool air hit me, I instantly felt a little better.
In this scene, Stef confronted Lena asking if she was having an affair with Monte. I knew that this scene was going to be emotional, but to be honest, I didn't think it was going to have this much of an effect on us as it did. It was obvious that we were both very shook up by it still.
"I know love, I hated it too."
She grabbed onto my hand even tighter, pulling me closer to her side.
We walked in silence until we got to the beach, lost in our own deep thoughts.
This had become a routine of ours recently. Late night walks with the moonlight guiding our way, not even caring where we were going. That's the thing, I've never cared where I was as long as I had Sherri with me. Sherri gives me more comfort than I've ever had from anyone else in this world. If I am feeling down or upset, having her simply sitting next to me has proven to be the cure. Sherri Saum..she's my cure. She's my cure to everything and anything.
Deep into thought about how much I love this woman who is walking beside me and holding my hand, Sherri's sudden shiver brought me back to the present.
"Are you cold, hun?"
I asked softly, looking over towards her. I could see her beautiful curls outlined by the moonlight coming from over the ocean.
"uh.. yeah a bit actually." She laughed a bit and looked down at her feet, almost nervously.
I turned towards her and started to take off my sweater.
"Here, this will help." I said while putting my sweater around Sherri's shoulders. She smiled warmly.
"You sure? But now you'll get cold, Polo!"
"Okay're probably right...but hey as long as you're warm my queen, that's all that matters!"
I jokingly winked at her as she laughed softly.
As we walked further down the shoreline together, Sherri suddenly spoke up about something that has obviously been on her mind this whole time.
", can talk to you about something?"
"Of course, what's on your mind?"
"I, this is probably going to sound really silly and I don't know what's going on inside my head right now, but I guess since the scene we just filmed..I've just been...thinking about how I never want to see that hurt in your eyes again. That pain...that-that look of your heart being ripped out of your chest in front of my eyes. I know that of course we aren't our characters and it was just acting, but sometimes it..just feels too real. It got me thinking about what if it was really us? Us as Sherri and Teri...I just know that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I cause you any pain whatsoever...I can't lose you. Too many people have left me in my life, I mean Kamar did just a month ago as of now...I'm just always so scared. It scares me more than anything to even think about losing you ever..." I quickly cut Sherri's ramble off as I could see tears forming in her eyes.
I immediately wrapped my arms around her and pulled her body into mine.
" it's okay."
I slowly rubbed her back up and down. I pulled away to cup her cheeks and comfort her as best as I could.
"Love, We can make it through absolutely anything as long as we have each other. I promise you with everything in me that you're not going to lose me. You never, ever have to worry about this, because whatever challenges life decides to throw at us, our friendship and this love we share is something so incredibly will only keep getting stronger, okay? I am not Kamar love, and I will never in a million years walk away from you. I'll never leave you, sweetheart. I love you, Sherri."
Sherri slowly nodded and flashed a relieved smile at me.
"I love you too, Teri. So much. I'm so sorry for being such a mess...I'm just so emotional right now..."
"And you have every right to be emotional right now. You've been through a hell of a lot this past month, and you don't deserve one bit of this pain he has put you through. All I want is to help you heal."
I wiped the tears off of her soft face, and winked at her.
"You have no idea how much you've already helped me heal, every damn day. You never fail to amaze me, Polo. I don't know where I'd be without you."
*flashback ends*
A/N: I'm so sorry for the huge delay on this update! I hope you enjoy it, and I will try to do better for you all. Feedback is always appreciated!
- Karley

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