Chapter 7: The Test

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Sherri's POV
"Baby? Are you alright?"
I hear Teri sleepily call after me as I am now kneeling in front of the toilet, throwing up everything I've consumed in the last 24 hours.
She pulls my hair up on top of my head for me and begins to gently rub my back.
"Yeah.. I- I think so. It just came out of no where. I felt fine all last night.."
"I know you did my love.. it's okay, I'm right here."
Slowly standing up, Teri helped me to my feet and went to grab my toothbrush and toothpaste for me.
"Sweetheart.. didn't you tell me that this same thing happened just a few days ago?" Teri questioned while I regained my composure and finished brushing my teeth.
"Um..Yeah. It did actually. Both times I've woken up with this wave of nausea and then immediately needed to throw up."
She nodded her head understandingly, and I could tell she was thinking about something.
"Sher, have y-you taken a pregnancy test?"
I couldn't believe my ears. What was she talking about?
"Huh?! Pregnancy test?! There's no chance I could be pregnant. No way, Teri." I replied, and practically rolled my eyes. Increasingly getting more upset.
"Hey, hey now. Baby. Come here." Teri pulled me into her warm arms, we are both still naked from last night's activities, but she then grabbed my robe off of the back of the door and wrapped it around me.
"You know I'm not meaning to make you upset.. I just want to figure out what's causing you to feel so sick in the morning, my love.." Her voice is the most comforting thing on the planet. It's impossible to feel stressed while in her arms.
"I know, I know.. I'm sorry. I just, I don't know.. I guess there is that possibility. Kamar and I have been finished for over a month, and before that we were trying to have a baby all of the time with no success.. so I guess I just didn't think it could happen now."
I could feel her nodding her head against my neck as her fingers rubbed my back up and down.
"Well.. I guess there is only one way to find out Sher. Do y-you maybe have a pregnancy test?"
"Teri, come on. I can't do this. No, I'm so scared, I can't do this alon-"
"Sherri, look at me." She pulled back from our embrace to cup my cheeks and make me look into her eyes. She flashes a small smile at me as if to tell me it's okay.
"You're not doing this alone, love. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to do anything alone anymore, okay? Whatever the test says, we will deal with it. But let's not get too worked up until then, alright?" Her fingers are running across my cheek bones as she looks right into my eyes.
She always knows exactly what to say and how to calm me. I don't know what I'd do without her.
I nodded my head as a tear slipped from my eye, and I showed her a small, nervous smile.
"Okay. I'm sure I have one laying around somewhere in here.." I begin to rummage through my bathroom cupboard, finally finding a pregnancy test. Just the sight of the box makes me feel like I'm going to be sick again.
"Found it.." I say hesitantly as Teri comes back into the bathroom now in her panties and one of my hoodies.
She placed her chin on my shoulder with her arms wrapped around me, holding me from behind.
"Okay. Just, whenever you're ready my love. I'm not meaning to rush you. I'll tell you what, I'm gonna go get you some orange juice. And then I can even wait in the living room if you want.."
"I would love some juice, but you don't need to wait out there. I'm, I- I really need you in here with me.. you know, when I have to read the result.."
"Okay, Sher. No problem. I'll be back in two seconds, alright? Breathe for me, my love. Please."
I nod slightly, feeling the nervousness in my stomach build and build. She kisses me on my cheek as she reluctantly pulls away from our embrace to go into the kitchen.
Picking up the box, I open it slowly, preparing myself for what could be to come. I don't even know what to think right now. Teri and I have just started this new chapter of our lives together, I'm not ready to add a child into this mix. Never mind KAMAR'S child. The fear I feel while staring down at the box is overwhelming, and I know I just have to do it. I think about how thankful I am for Teri and pray that a positive result wouldn't take her away from me. I wish that thought didn't come to mind, but it did.
Just as I set the now taken test down on the counter, Teri comes back in the bathroom, OJ in hand.
As she passes me the glass, she doesn't say anything. But she also didn't have to. The way she looked at me just then and cupped my cheek gave me more reassurance than I would ever need. That whatever obstacles are to come, she will help me around them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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